Thursday, August 29, 2024

Goal Ball and Other Things

Thursday!  I was in the room as Camp FCY was coming together, and that's the big story for tomorrow for Maddie, who is super excited to hop on a charter bus and head north to her camp for the senior year.  It's going to be a great weekend!  We were working on minor things today related to KidPak as well, but the big story of the week is Camp FCY.  It's going to be fun.

Tonight Maddie did have a little homework, and of course there was taekwondo too.  She was in her leadership class, which happens to have three other students going to Camp FCY as well.  I helped get a few of them through registration, so Maddie's happy to have a few extra friends to go with.  She had a good night.  I got a few things done at taekwondo, looking on through the window as she was training younger students, and then going on to leadership to learn some new things.  This will be her last taekwondo until next Thursday, I believe.

While Maddie was doing homework afterwards, I was watching the Paralympics, particularly three events I was interested in:  firstly, swimming.  How inspiring was that girl from China who was swimming without any arms.  She was flying through the water faster than I could swim, and she has half the limbs that I do.  Amazing!  Another event enjoyed was Boccia, which I wasn't familiar with until now, but it actually looked fun.  It's like curling in a way, and I was blown away by the skills from an athlete from Colombia, Euclides Grisales.  

If I played against this guy, he would destroy me!  Wow - what a performance.  Maddie was watching a few of these matches and games over the kitchen table as she was working on a few homework assignments.  

Which brings me to the last game, "Goal Ball."  This looks like super fun, actually!  These folks are vision impaired, lined up in front of a goal, and they're basically taking turns trying to toss a ball into their opponents goal.  Fortunately there's a bell in that ball so you can hear it coming - and that's all you have to go on.  It was pretty awesome.

Anyway, moving on:  we got some circus tickets today for November.  Vernardo's Circus is coming back to Dawsonville, and we got some better tickets this time around.  We loved that small circus, the feeling of family there, and of course the actual talent.  It was a great circus, and we're happy to be able to head back there!  We've got all kinds of plans coming up - the calendar is getting full!  Hold on tight!

Tonight was a bit slower, the calm before Labor Day of course.  We continued our reading from the Kingdom Keepers before bed, although just a chapter this time.  We met the fabulous FGM and her pal Cinderella, and there are Villains Realm sections in every park that will be built.  Which actually would be pretty cool, come to think of it.  Of course, the actual villains hope to use these to develop a place where they can have a home base from which they can launch attacks on all that is good.  But otherwise, the idea is pretty cool.  It could be like the Isle of the Lost from Descendants or something like that.  Anyway, we'll keep reading and see what happens next.

Tonight we said our prayers, and the plush entourage was in bed on time for a good night's rest.  Tomorrow starts Labor Day, and a big weekend.  Also the end of August!  See you soon!

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