Saturday, August 17, 2024

Leaps and Bounds

Maddie has made some good progress with her attempts at a forward flip.  It's a scary thing, if you've ever tried one before, and each attempt is something to be proud of in itself, just for trying.  But she's inching closer to success, and this morning she made a pretty good attempt that had us all cheering.  The whole team is adding this to their individual repertoires, adding things by leaps and bounds, so to speak.

It was another quiet day today.  Mom and I were pressure washing the front porch, and now it's all clean and sparkly again.  The webs are down, as is all the green mildew that started to build up on the railing.  It's nice on the porch, where we've taken to spending some time in the mornings reading and talking for a bit.


(okay, maybe not - Maddie accidentally deleted it off the camera!)

Just around the corner on the other side of the house is a nice butterfly bush, and it was getting a lot of visits today from butterflies.  We see all kinds of friends coming by there, big and small.  Even hummingbirds, who of course also have the feeder in our front yard too.  A few of those hummingbirds are always fighting for territory.  It's a nice set-up we have in the front yard, and we'll see one frequently perched and resting on our feeder there.

There was a make-up game this afternoon at the football field, or at least the "rest of the game" between East Forsyth and Central Forsyth.  We didn't make that one, but we heard that the home team won the game, although it seemed as if this would happen based on last night's results.


(okay, maybe not - Maddie accidentally deleted it off the camera!)

One thing we did see was a pretty big caterpillar infestation on one of our trees to the side of the house.  Glad I walked back there, because I think I caught it just in time.  Gross.  The best thing to do is get a garbage bag and cut the entire limb of the tree off with the caterpillars on it, catching the whole limb in the garbage bag and hauling it off, tied securely closed of course.

Speaking of caterpillars, we were back in the "Caterpillar Room" tonight.  That's the infamous room from "Toy Story 3," where things don't go so well for our heroes from the "Toy Story" movies.  It's been a long time since Maddie first saw this one, but it's a good one.  Maddie and I were talking about it afterwards about how wonderful this movie is.  It's such an emotional one too, as Maddie now realizes.

We got to bed early tonight because there's KidPak in the morning, but we're in that Toy Story mode now. Tomorrow we'll have all the characters on stage, and the kids will love that.  We read, we said our prayers tonight, and then it was time for some sleep.

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