Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Close Friends and Autopsies

Maddie was again at FCY tonight, which didn't get interfered with because last week she was there, and in between there was this cruise thing, right?  Anyway, it was a good night, and the "Close Friends" series is wraps up next week with "The Youthies," which should be fun.  Tonight was good though, with a solid message from Pastor Skylar and the usual fun, plus pizza of course.  

Let's see, what are we working on today?  Scabs for one.  Yes, the Easter play is coming up.  We moved all the stuff off the furniture yesterday spending quite a bit of time moving things in the office only to discover that the new furniture can't be put in there yet because there's no paint for the walls yet, and in fact it might be another two weeks and... well, basically I've got a desk with nothing on it or behind it for a few weeks. 

Maddie was back at school, and she's enjoying her forensics class.  Her teacher got a call from someone in the middle of class, and he had to stop his lecture long enough to answer the phone.  He picked it up and said, "Autopsies?"  This got the class cracking up.  Maddie likes being in that class.

This morning I was back at the heart center, this time giving a blood sample.  The analysis seems good, with all the numbers but one being in a good range - the only high number was glucose, which given the fact that there was just this cruise and Valentine's Day goodies... I think that may have swayed the final result somewhat.  But I was pleasantly surprised about the other numbers, which are actually in some cases better than they were before.  

Tonight while Maddie was at FCY, Mom and I were watching "My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3," which was okay.  The first is such a classic movie, and we've see it so much.  The second was okay, and this third one I suppose would fall under that category.  Our dedication to the franchise, or at least the first movie, brought us to check it out, and again, it was okay.  Not sure if we'd watch it again, but we might be checking out the first movie again soon.

It was a decent day.  I got a good bit of the script written for Sunday, which should be great.  We read tonight from our Kingdom Keepers book, and said our prayers.  We were tired, so sleep came pretty quickly tonight.

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