Friday, February 23, 2024

Exodus Upcoming

Our Exodus booklets came in, and that's always just a nice feeling - you get these boxes and boxes of booklets that you've written, and you cut that tape at the top, and unbox the booklets, holding them up and looking at your creation for the first time.  The printing place has a smell that comes out as you look at your booklet - it's a great moment.  Camille did the new artwork, but I read and reread the devotional that I did some time ago, and it's very special to me.  This new series will be really good.

This morning before coming in, Mom and I started the latest Hillsdale online course, a brand new one coincidentally dedicated to the book of Exodus.  So we went over chapters one and two with a new professor, and it was really enjoyable.  We got a 100% on our quiz too!  Looking forward to the remaining lectures, as I love looking closer at these chapters and verses that we've read so many times.

Speaking of walking in Africa, this morning I was continuing with the Namibia walking series on the treadmill, and it's been great.  I need to walk a little more than run lately, one reason being I was a little bit under the weather.  These are recovery walks in the desert, and they've been really nice.  Some time ago, we stayed at the Animal Kingdom Lodge, and basically hung out there for a while at the hotel itself where there were all kinds of presentations, from night vision exhibitions where we could see animals off in the dark to presentations by representatives of different nationalities speaking about their own countries.  The one we saw was about Namibia, and the young lady gave a great presentation about this country that we knew very little of.  I still don't know as much, but I've always been pretty fascinated by Namibia.  Yes, I'd even like to go there some day, probably just to visit.  But it seems so isolated down there, partly due to the coastline and massive desert.  The virtual walks along the coast or across the desert have been pretty cool.

Tonight we were back at taekwondo again for a few classes, one where Maddie was happy to be back.  She was doing a good bit of training tonight because next week she'll have yet another testing on her march towards that third degree black belt.  That's still a year away or so, but she's doing well and she's practicing hard.  Plus she's having a good time!

The feature tonight on television was one I wanted to watch:  "The Little Mermaid."  Of course this was inspired by our recent cruise experience, but until now we haven't watched the live action version of this story, the movie that came out last year.  The three of us sat down to watch this one, and we actually enjoyed this one quite a bit.  There were changes in story or lyrics here or there, but it wasn't anything terrible.  Some of the musical numbers were really well put together, and it's a difficult thing to envision in live-action, but we thought they did a great job with it.

It was late after that, and yes, it was time for bed.  We read some more from this latest Kingdom Keepers book, and after that we said our prayers.  It's time for sleep.  Tomorrow we get to sleep in a little bit - a little bit!

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