Thursday, February 22, 2024

Here Come the Crocuses

The crocuses are starting to bloom in the front yard, these cute little blossoms emerging to remind us that yes, in fact spring is on its way.  There's plenty to do with the yards, and we'll be working on that more in the coming days and weeks as we attempt to make sure house look much nicer from the outside.

This morning Maddie had her five dollars to get a Chick-Fil-A breakfast sandwich, which is a great way to start the day.  Of course, even better way to start the day is with prayer, and the blessing pronounced over her followed by a "Shalom, shalom!"

Maddie's schooling continues with forensics, challenges in pre-calculus, fun with ceramics and of course the ongoing adventure at Chestatee Elementary.  She enjoys it there.  While she's at elementary school, a few of us from KidPak go over to a middle school each Thursday to do a little session after school that's been fun.  It's great being back in school.

My bloodwork results came back and those were good.  I think I spoiled that answer yesterday, a little in advance, but I did have to wait on those results, and was quite thrilled to see them when they came in.  Mom was doing plenty of garden work when we got home, but in between she's working on Roman costuming, particularly shoes at the moment.  We're getting ready to film some things for Easter soon enough.  Meanwhile, I got my walking in, continuing my adventure in Namibia, at least virtually.

Tonight was taekwondo, of course, which consisted of helping instructors and then attending leadership classes.  She's getting better and better with her aerial, which is something she's happy to be able to do in front of instructors.  

We got home and watched some episodes of "Monk," moving along with season five, continuing with the forensics theme.  We could be done with this by the end of the school year, at which point we could be watching the new movie that came out around Christmas.  I've been holding off on that until Maddie sees all of the eight seasons of the original show, just in case something is spoiled.  Plus, it's a bit of delayed gratification there, a goal to look forward to.  Meanwhile, we just plug along, one episode after another, with some serious binging!

The evening was closed out with reading a few chapters from this Kingdom Keepers book we read last year.  We're reviewing that, and hopefully the new one will be here roughly the time we finish this one. We'll see how that goes!  Anyway, we read, and we're still trying to remember these new characters and their relationship with other characters.  I'm glad Maddie gets confused too, but we're not too bad off.  It's just every so often we're glad to have the reminder.

Anyway, we said our prayers tonight, and that was it for a quiet day.  We're allowed to have quiet days after such an incredible weekend last week, right?  Still rocking back and forth with the equilibrium...

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