Thursday, February 8, 2024

Hairy Woodpecker


Okay, so this woodpecker is a different one from the usual downy woodpecker, because it's twice the size of a downy, and therefore we're pretty sure it's a hairy woodpecker.  The two seem to have identical patterns, looking exactly the same except for the fact that one is a lot bigger.  We'll name this guy "Harry." Because he's a hairy woodpecker.  He doesn't look exactly hairy, at least not any more so than the downy woodpecker, but I'll just assume the ornithologists know what they're doing!

We have a lot of frequent visitors.  The bluebirds are moving into one of the houses in the backyard, and these guys are always seen on a branch deeper in the woods.  They blend right in, but hopefully you can see five mourning doves there.  They come plopping in from the skies, plummeting on to the plate or deck or birdbath, basically displacing other birds via their girth.  

It was a quiet day today.  Cool but overcast.  Maddie was at Chestatee in the morning again, where she'll be until May.  She's got one class of kindergarteners that's kind of crazy, but a lot of the others are pretty chill.

Tonight there was taekwondo for a bit, and that was okay.  Maddie was helping with instruction for a class, so yes, she's been an instructor for a few times today when you think of it.  She also was a student for the leadership class, which went well also.

We watched an episode of "Monk" tonight, as it was all we had time for.  Maddie had homework to work on, which reduced the time to watch anything, and that's okay.  School of course takes precedence.  It was a good day overall, just a quiet, normal one.  We'll have some excitement soon though.

Tonight we read from "The Shepherd's Crown" some more, reading to the entire plush entourage, and then saying our prayers together before bringing the gang down the hall to get tucked in.  

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