Saturday, February 3, 2024

Daddy-Daughter Date Night 2024


I'm so glad we still do this.  Maddie had a great time too!  A little while ago, just as I always do somewhere in January, I start looking up to see when the Daddy-Daughter Date Night is at Chick-Fil-A so I can register.  I think this year I was the first to register at this location, but of course I'm not the last - it fills up quickly.  You can see us here though - we made it!  

And you can see Merida here as well.  And the Chick-Fil-A cow, the two of them wandering around to greet dads and their daughters.  Maddie had time to pose with both, and also to pose with one of Merida's little brothers:

It was a good night though, just like it always is.  The great thing about tonight was that we had no other thing scheduled afterwards or prior, so it was a bit more relaxed than usual.  Maddie did her hair and got dressed up very nicely, and I even put on a tie.  

Basically, Chick-Fil-A closes their dining area for one night and they take reservations well ahead of time for a certain number of tables within the restaurant.  Sometimes there are musicians and sometimes there is a limo, but tonight it was Merida and a cow.

It was a great night with the usual questionnaire at the table, something designed to spark questions to each other - what is your dad's favorite memory growing up?  What is your favorite memory with your dad?  That sort of thing.  Further questions were added like "Would you rather have super speed or super strength?"  We added our own questions for fun:  would you rather eat cat food for one week, or your least favorite food every day for a year?  That one came from Maddie!

You are given a menu, and of course all the food is pretty much the standard Chick-Fil-A food, although there is plateware and silverware on the table to suggest a finer dining evening.  You walk up to the front and a head waiter gets your name from the registration and escorts you to a table.  Each daughter gets a flower, and a small stuffed Chick-Fil-A cow.

Maddie has so many of these cows, a whole herd of them in her room, each one collected from events like this or Christmas or those times we had Chick-Fil-A day in the summer.  She's got them in her room on a shelf, enough to make a wreath.

The rest of the day was pretty quiet by comparison.  We had Team Edge this morning, and I was working on a massive slide show for KidPak, a presentation about security and so forth.  Maddie was working on V-kicks and aerials and flips too.  There's a bit of illness going around with students, instructors and parents - so it's not just me.  It's a seasonal thing, and again, I'm on the mend.  Things could be much worse.

We watched a few episodes of "The Chosen" season three tonight, reviewing these as we head into the the new season four.  We'll be catching these new episodes in the theater, starting very soon.  Got to get caught up first.  Great show though.

We said our prayers tonight after reading - it was a good day though.  We've been doing the Daddy-Daughter Date night for quite some time now, ten years I think.  I'm glad we're still doing it.

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