Sunday, February 4, 2024

KP Hoedown

We continued the KidPak Hoedown this morning with a great service, and a return to service for Maddie, Mom and I.  Of course, I was sick last week, and hard-to-believe, I'm still fighting off this lingering bug this week too - we're talking day nine or something like that.  Anyway, as for service, it was great.  It was short up top in the main sanctuary, where Dr. Rutland was speaking to start out our "Better Together" series for February, which is our new thing this month getting speakers coming in each week to speak on the topic of relationships, or presumably whatever they feel led to share.  Meanwhile downstairs, we're still with the "Trailblazers" series, and it's actually been a lot of laughs and excitement for the kids.  And yes, the messages have been solid.  The hoedown continues!

After service we stuck around to set up the security meeting that we had at 2pm.  I made about 106 slides yesterday and yeah, they were all pretty important enough to share - but Pastor Lance had gone through them fairly rapid-fire.  All the volunteers were here, and it was just good to connect and reacquaint ourselves with procedures and policies and what to do in certain situations.  One nice thing was a free lunch for everyone - we had sandwiches from Publix, so everyone there got a chance to eat together (chips and drinks were available too).  It was a god time together, and again, important info to share.

We got home and rested after that, with Maddie focusing on homework somewhat.  But soon she was joining me over in the living room for some video games - we played "Inside Out" for the Disney Infinity game, and picked up a few missing pieces.  One we've decided could wait, but we were going back to see if we could collect a few things we didn't spot earlier, and along the way using characters like Fear, Disgust, Anger, Sadness and of course Joy.  The reason we picked this game is all based on an upcoming visit to an ice cream shop on the Disney Wish, one based on the movie "Inside Out."  It's a must-stop for us, and should be lots of fun.

Afterwards, we were continuing our marathon of episodes of "The Chosen."  We reviewed two more episodes and we'll save season three's finale for tomorrow night, the idea being that we can see the next few episodes in the theater on Tuesday.  But we even got in an episode of "Monk" tonight.  We were just eating popcorn and pretty much kicking back the rest of the day.  It was a long, long morning and into the afternoon with a lot of work in the prop and costume room, plus the bits on stage and backstage and the meeting... it was a well-earned rest.

Closing out the day, we read from "The Shepherd's Crown" some more, and it appears the Queen of the Elves is here in the Discworld, but not is all that it seems.  We'll find out more as we read the next few days.  After reading, we gathered up Chuck and the rest of the Plush Entourage, and headed down to Maddie's room for the night.  We said our prayers tonight, and got some sleep.  It was a quiet, but rather nice weekend!

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