Sunday, November 20, 2022

Christmas Soap


This morning we had our famous Thanksgiving cooking skit, or at least I call it that because every time we do this one, we get some really good laughs.  It's just one "dad joke" after another, all hosted by Nerdo as he starts talking about the food on the table, not really getting anywhere until the end, when he gets his head stuck in a turkey.  Of course, that's all from the Mr. Bean Christmas episode some time ago, but Nana and Ye-Ye sculpted this turkey form out of styrofoam, and we've had it all these years - ready to put it on someone's head once again.  It's been maybe a decade since we've done this skit, and how great that Maddie could be there for it.  You can see her above in Pilgrim gear to the left.  It was a super fun morning, as Josh closed out his three-part video series that chronicled the story of the Pilgrims and Native Americans, or Indigenous People, or whatever terminology we're supposed to use these days.  I think I've been calling them locals this entire series, and that seemed simpler for now.  For now.  

Check out these soaps that Mom made yesterday!  The soap has hardened and Mom was able to cut away sections.  These look gorgeous, and the smell of pine is so strong with these that we actually have them sitting in the room with the Christmas tree in it, just to give that room a pine scent.  The bars of soap themselves came out very well.  Mom had a great time, and she's so creative!

Today we got home after church, and Mom had a nice meal for us.  Eventually for the Christmas season, we'll have to have noodles and pie, in honor of "The Santa Clause 2," but today was a Thanksgiving feast of sorts, just with chicken as the main course.  We picked up a chicken rotisserie.  And egg nog too.  I have found a great lactose free egg nog that 's just perfect.  Recently, we've been picking up some of Publix's holiday ice cream flavors, and after eating lunch, Maddie had the pepperoni stick ice cream, while Mom and I had a Christmas coffee flavor that was really good.  We've also got an egg nog ice cream too, so we're set for the holidays.  At least for a little bit, anyway, as Maddie eats it up pretty quickly!

We watched "The Santa Clause 3" today, but the movie of the night was "Disenchanted," the sequel to "Enchanted," which goes back a long ways.  Maddie was still in China when that was released.  Anyway, it's been a favorite of ours, and we were nervous about this sequel so many years later.  But it was actually pretty good!  We loved the music and the story.  It starts out somewhat glum, but once a magic wand shows up you know there's going to be something big happening, and it's nearly like WandaVision in a way, a musical version.  And that's not a bad thing.

Tonight we finished "The Light Fantastic," the second book of the Discworld, and that leaves a big question as what to read next.  But in the meantime, Maddie enjoyed hearing about the different characters introduced here, including one of our favorites, the Luggage.  I'm not sure where we're going from here, but this was a great introduction to the Discworld.  

We said our prayers afterwards, and then it was time for some rest.  It was a fun weekend, and tomorrow we get to sleep in!

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