Sunday, November 27, 2022

Darth Pilgrim


It is a little known historical fact that amongst the 101 passengers aboard the Mayflower was a Sith Lord known as Darth Pilgrim.  Upon arriving at Plymouth Rock, he announced, "Impressive. Most impressive."   This will be a day long remembered!"

You can see above some of the cast from this morning's finale of "The Voyage," our Thanksgiving-themed series.  We were rehearsing and practicing a little and the adults looked over to stage left to see the younger cast members lounging on the set.  It made for a fun picture!

We had a super solid morning, a great one to wrap up this really fun series.  The cast did wonderfully, and the message was a great one too!

Getting home, Mom had a great spaghetti meal for us, and after that it was time to do some more decorating.  I got the entire Nativity set up in the piano room, and it looks great as always.  We got this set back in the 90's at K-Mart, back when the Fontanini sets were a big deal, these huge elaborate empires with all the characters of the Nativity story.  We weren't really in a place where we could afford all that, but then along came this close-out sale at K-Mart where they were dropping the prices.  So now we have a census building, a carpenter's shop, a stable, a shepherd's home, a temple, a Wise Men tent, some ruins, a chariot, all kinds of animals, plants, palm trees, shepherds, Wise Men, villagers, Roman soldiers, a priest, angels, and of course the Holy Family.  It's our own little empire!  I remember getting this at the Super K-Mart, back when those existed, and thinking on the whole it wasn't too far off from the super fancy ones, and literally hundreds of dollars cheaper.  We've had this set for over twenty years now, and looking it up online, it's not worth that much if we sold it, at least I don't think it is.  But we love it nevertheless, and it's got a lot of sentimental value.

We saw a few Christmas movies, and had some egg nog and delicious Christmas desserts too tonight.  But Maddie did have to get to bed early - so there is bedtime earlier because of school.  Prayers and reading, and after that, a good night's rest!

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