Thursday, April 16, 2015

"We're home."

This picture above says all you need to know about today.  We saw the trailer, and everyone in the house is pretty excited about the new Star Wars movie coming out later this year.  We watched about three episodes of "Clone Wars" just to prove it, ones Madison has not seen yet.  These were the episodes about the Malevolence, which we all enjoyed quite a bit.  Madison has been in a more Star Wars-focused state lately, even reading some books about droids.  She's fascinated with the medical droids, which oddly enough were featured in the "Clone Wars" storyline we saw tonight.  2-1b and FX-7 are some droids that have been around since 1980 or so - Daddy even has a few action figures of these robot characters!

So, today Madison went to the dentist.  There weren't any Star Wars references there.  But there weren't any cavities either.  To prove this much, here is Madison's dental record, created by Madison herself:

Bicuspids!  There aren't any cavities!  And it was a clean bill of health for all of her teeth.  Things are looking great.  Or sharp, if you want clever word play.

Today Daddy got to the library to get her some more books - six more in the series.  She's already finished one of those today.  Stack 'em up, and knock 'em down!  She's an avid reader, to say the least. She was quite happy to get those.

We did a bit of yard sale prep today, getting ready for Saturday morning.  We're not sure if there'll be a yard sale, as the forecast is rain, rain, and more rain.  But we set things up in the garage, nevertheless.  you never know.  We don't have any high-end items, but rather a whole lot of little things.  It'll be good to get rid of them, and make a little bit along the way.

Just to show how much of a geek we are, tonight - after watching the Clone Wars episodes, we watched a bit of the Star Wars convention in Anaheim.  It was on a live channel on the computer, and we figured why not?  It's crazy how much people go through to dress up as characters and go to these things.  But we'll be doing pretty much the same in a few months.  More on that later...!  

Until then, here's the latest devotional entry from the Periodic Table of Elements!

“Peter said, ‘I don’t have any silver or gold. But I’ll give you what I do have. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk.’” Acts 3:6 NIrV

Ag 47

     Silver isn’t just a color – it’s a precious metal.  It is so valuable, in fact, that it is used as money to this day.  You can go back thousands of years and see it used to buy things, even during the time the Bible was written.  Probably the most famous place you can find an example of this would be the 30 pieces of silver Judas was given for betraying Jesus.
     As terrible as that decision was, it serves as a warning.  Like Judas, we frequently want more in life.  And in order to get more, one thing that is needed is money. But Judas failed when he focused more on that silver, rather than our Creator God who made the all the elements of the earth.
     In Job, chapter 22, there is some pretty good advice:  “Obey God and be at peace with Him.  Then He will help you succeed.  Do what He teaches you to do.  Keep His words in your heart.  If you return to the Mighty One, you will have what you had before…He’ll be like the finest silver to you.”
     God does want to bless you.  Just don’t get so caught up in chasing after wealth, and those things that weigh you down.  Remember that God is like silver – He is the real treasure.

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