Thursday, March 31, 2022

Moon Knight

Tonight we got around to watching the first episode of "Moon Knight" that premiered yesterday, and it was pretty wild.  It's getting increasingly difficult to imagine some of these Marvel characters coexisting with one another, particularly with Egyptian gods and goddesses and crocodile things.  Hopefully we'll see Offler the Crocodile god soon too.  Anyway, Maddie made sure we had time to watch this tonight after taekwondo, so we all sat down a bit later and tried to make sense of a crazy first episode.  Te Egyptian part is interesting, given that the main actor has already portrayed a Marvel character that was once worshipped as an Egyptian god.  Apocalypse and Moon Knight are very different characters, of course.  All this Egyptology is bringing back memories from Maddie's early, early childhood, when we went off to see King Tut's treasure on display, along with a whole lot of other relics from that ancient time.  It was pretty educational, and also pretty weird.  For some reason, one recurring memory involves Egyptian pyramid toy that the Little Einsteins could visit, and of course that episode we have on DVD still downstairs in the basement.  Happy memories with Maddie when she was super young.  Strange that I associate Egyptian stuff like that with all Maddie's early childhood, but there it is.  I remember us doing that "Exodus" series at KidPak around that time too... good times.

It was a nice day today.  I finished the new script for this weekend, and the majority of the lines are given to the younger cast members, the Newsies we have.  It should be a good start to our series, setting up a story that I think will be fun and certainly different.

Maddie had her taekwondo today, as mentioned earlier.  She's been going on Thursdays a bit early to help out with the younger students, and then she herself has a class with leadership.  She's been working on her form, working with kamas, and even with the leadership class she helps the younger students.  The classes are getting pretty big, which I'm sure is great for the Edges.  They're great people, and Maddie loves coming to class.

We're still working towards Easter of course.  Lots of work to go, but there was writing today for that, and ordering of Roman costuming that should be getting here soon.  Mom still has to do a lot of sewing on those Roman costumes, but at least there's a game plan.  So much left to do and only seventeen days left.  We're racing against time now.

Tonight we read from Kingdom Keepers, and we said our prayers afterwards.  It was a good day, but we're all very busy lately.

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