Monday, March 14, 2022

π Day 2022

Today was Pi Day, and I'm proud to say that Maddie knows quite a few digits of pi, at least more than the average person I suspect.  We can each get to 3.1415926535897 off the top of our heads, and have collectively decided that this is far enough at the moment.

Of course, one of the most important ways to celebrate Pi Day is by actually having a pie, which was actually a bit of a chore, as I spent more time in about four different grocery stores looking for gluten free graham cracker pie crust.  But find it I did!  I was happy to see that Publix had pies on sale for $3.14, and although we couldn't eat those pies, I did see what you did there, Publix.  Anyway, tonight we sat down together after dinner to celebrate this momentous day by enjoying a pie that Mom made for everyone, one with leftovers that would be in our lunches the next 3.1415926535897 days.

We had taekwondo tonight, which included leadership and the black belt class.  Maddie is starting to use a new weapon for this season, or at least one that she hasn't used in a while:  the kamas.  That sounds like a pretty cool band name, actually:  The Kamas.  Anyway, she was just starting to appreciate the sword a bit more too, but she'll be back swinging that sword again soon enough.  For now, the kamas are the weapon of choice.

We're doing a lot of work with KidPak, even outside of work hours.  I'm still writing a lot towards this new series, including this new devotional.  We're also working towards Easter, which is inflating and expanding in the usual concerning way where we start asking ourselves the usual question, "Why didn't we start planning this earlier?"  It's all very stressful, which of course isn't ideal for my current condition.  My blood pressure has elevated lately, and that's concerning too.

We read tonight from our Kingdom Keepers book, and we're approaching the end.  A guy named Amery Hollingsworth is responsible for creating the Overtakers, or at least for bringing them to life, and it all started years ago.  Or maybe it started years ago?  I'm not sure if it will have been stopped by the Kingdom Keepers or not, and if it is stopped, does that mean it ever happened to begin with?  Time travel stories are so confusing, but we're sticking with this one as it approaches the end.  Just one more book to go after this one, and it's actually kind of a bittersweet moment.

After that we were saying our prayers, and it was time for bed.  We lugged all the extra plush friends that listen to our story time back down to her room, and that's where the intricate "tucking in" process continues, a black blanket first, followed by the two pink ones side by side, and then the sheet and two blankets on top after that.  It must be precisely this way each night, or there will be no rest I tell you!

We got to sleep after this, counting sheep or at least counting digits for pi... 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067... zzzz...

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