Friday, April 1, 2022

April First

We started out April with a busy day, and of course one filled with pranks.  It's April Fool's Day, and yeah there were ranks about fake engagements and pranks at school too.  Maddie was loving it today, as she's a pretty big practical joker.  

Mom, Nana and I were down at Sandy Springs to get some costumes for the upcoming Easter production. There are so many costumes for this production, and each one requires sizing information and a specific look.  Mom is overseeing all of this, and doing a splendid job with it.  It's a lot though.  The drive down there is a pretty annoying too, as any drive in Atlanta is lately.  As any old-timer like me would say, it wasn't always this way.  Things were pretty easy to get to, to park at, and to get through.  

We had taekwondo tonight, although there weren't as many jokes there.  There was chicken afterwards though - we went to Chick-Fil-A to pick up some food for when we got home.  After eating, it was time for the next movie in our Star Wars marathon, "The Force Awakens." 

Maddie and her friends were engaging in all kinds of pranks at school, because that's what happens on April 1st, of course.  I believe there was a fake engagement somewhere online too, which got a lot of laughs.  We were busy today though, which is why I'm cutting this a bit short.  It was a nice day though - we read tonight before bed, said our prayers, and got to sleep earlier.  Ready to start it all up again as we get things ready for Easter!

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