Sunday, April 24, 2022

Newsies Finale

Here we are again at the eve of a new series, and there's a sentimental feeling about this one.  It was a spring bonus series that we pushed to make happen rather than just have filler for these four weeks while the Easter production was going on.  But it turned out really well with fun games, great skits, and super good messages like the one we had this morning.  It was another solid morning at KidPak, a really good one with a great message of good news!

We spent the day chilling out today, finding the last of the props from Easter and then going on home.  I sat on the front porch reading my latest history book, this one about Ronald Reagan and the end of the Cold War, just relaxing in the shade with this beautiful weather outside.  Mom had cooked up a delicious fish dinner for us all, and afterwards, Maddie took a shower while I hit the treadmill to do a virtual walk through Vienna.  It was a quiet day - we did get a visitor though.  A chipmunk got super interested in our seeds on the porch, made the journey up, and just decided to come on into the house to visit with us in there too!  This critter was there about fifteen minutes or so before we were able to encourage it to go on outside where there was more seed on a plate.  Mom almost did the standard "trail of seeds" trick to lure the chipmunk outside.  Quite an adventure for this little rodent!


Tonight we were watching a few episodes of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. again, and after that we wanted to get to bed early.  We're back in school tomorrow, and I'm even a guest speaker at the college tomorrow, so there's that too.  We read from our book again tonight, and things are really moving along at a brisk pace towards the final conclusion.  We have a sense that the bad guys in the past have been dealt with, but is there a terrible cost to that?  And meanwhile, what of the present, where Overtakers are wreaking havoc upon Disneyland?  We'll have to find out this week how it all winds up, but it will wind up this week after reading this series for over a year now.  Maddie's really enjoyed the series.  

We said our prayers tonight, and after that, we were asleep of course.  It was a good weekend, a calmer one than the last one of course, but a good one nonetheless.

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