Wednesday, April 13, 2022


"Scabs!"  I've requited this line from "The Addams Family" over and over again this week, as we're doing a lot of bloody make-up and scars in our upcoming Easter production.  I had a funny trip today to Marietta to get a lot of scabs and fake blood.  The trip down there is a little longer than you'd think, and on top of that I've noticed lately these places on town squares don't offer much in the way of parking.  What good is it to have a place of business on a town square if you can't find a place to park in order to shop there?  Norcross is another similar situation, where we circle around a while hoping to get a parking place.

ANYWAY, we got the scabs.  And next door I saw a British import shop, which is fantastic because it something really cool for Mom for Easter.  And next to that... there was a soda shop.  Like, a place that had a whole lot of soda bottles.  I picked up a bottle of "buffalo wing hot sauce" flavored soda for Maddie.  It sounds pretty gross, but she's said she'll try it if I do.  That will be ... interesting.

So tonight Maddie had Free Chapel Youth while we were practicing for the play.  We were all over the place on this one.  You can see Maddie just barely to the right above.  She had a great time, and enjoyed Pastor Jacob's message about ...Jacob.  Not himself, but the Jacob from the Bible.  It helps that Maddie had just read that passage in the Bible.  Maddie and her friends from the small group have been reading the Bible from start to finish, and reading together in a way that keeps everyone accountable and moving forward.

We were practicing a few times, and there's some running with palms and the Last Supper and the Garden of Gethsemane and so much more.  Things are coming together, but we're getting closer to that deadline, and the hours are late into the night.  

We read a little tonight, and we prayed, and I wrote too - we're still having KidPak this weekend, and the Newsies will be onstage for another great morning this Easter.

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