Friday, April 15, 2022

Good Friday

So here we are at the Last Supper.  Easter at Free Chapel is officially here, and it has been beautiful to see.  It was a huge amount of set-up today as we were still racing against time to get more blood, more scabs, more costuming details worked out, and all sorts of other last-minute details that went into the production. You can see above our Last Supper scene, one with actual bread and grapes that we're all munching on while Jesus tells us about who is the greatest, about traitors, and about Communion.  There were so many people coming tonight that we had to turn away some because of numbers - there were just not enough seats to accommodate the crowds that were coming to see the show.  Tomorrow night we'll do it again, and then on Easter we'll do it twice.  It was a massive deal tonight, and everything came together perfectly for a powerful and unforgettable Easter presentation.  Here are a few more pictures taken by our church staff for tonight's performance:

I'll share more pictures as the weekend goes by, as we'll do this production three more times.  But it all went well tonight, with crowds sitting in the overflow area watching on a big screen.  There is so much choreography behind the scenes, and of course on stage.  It's such a huge amount of work and coordination of people doing something for a greater purpose.  The end result are the souls saved, and lies touched with the Good News of the gospel.  Maddie was in the crowd, along with Nana and Mom, who got to see it as well.  It went very well, and though we're all super tired, we're all super proud of what we were able to do.

Tomorrow night we'll do it again.  But until then, we got home tonight in time to read some, and then pray, and then fall fast asleep.

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