Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Cast Photo

The Easter production is coming soon, and you can see a good bit of the cast, dancers and crew up in this group shot above.  It's been a crazy day with lots of last minute things to take care of, among them a pair of Isis wings, which have become the joke of the production lately, mainly because we're not entirely sure where to put them in the production and yet we sort of have to put them in there somewhere.  I think the idea came from someone seeing a Cirque du Soleil show, and of course we're not Cirque du Soleil, and we're certainly not their costuming department, so the idea of Isis wings came up, and that explains my third trip down to Sandy Springs this afternoon, once Mom had figured out a pair to get that she liked, and a matching costume too.  We actually got two of these, and hopefully we'll figure out a place to actually put them within the show soon.

The other problematic piece of costuming would be the segmentata, which is a word I've just learned recently.  It's basically the Roman armor that goes over their stomachs and shoulders, a rather heavy metal that attaches in segments, hence the term I suppose.  We ordered from Walmart online, and probably won't be ordering from Walmart online again, mainly because the same thing happened back in December with our Christmas production:  the product is delayed and there's no idea of when it will arrive.  Fortunately, we saw something else at the last minute, and were able to get three of these Roman segmentata.  We already have one from AD33, a production we did some time ago.  There are two more pieces of chest armor to go for our Roman riders, these horse riders that will be in Roman gear.  We've got their helmets, but their sizing just came in and the guys are a little large.  We'll probably go for the the old Roman gear we have, these bronzish looking chest plates from a passion play the church did way back in the 90's, one called "Jesus of Nazareth."  We've kept these things in good condition all this time.  Nevertheless, our Roman armor for this new production are being cobbled together, and Mom still has plenty to do there with tunics, capes, aprons, shoes and so on.

We were running through the Last Supper scene today, and it will be great to do Communion with Jesus on stage this Easter - the entire audience will have the elements with them to do Communion as well.  I wasn't planning on it, but I'm going to be at the table today, playing the part of James the Greater.  That's a promotion from an earlier Last Supper scene, where I've traditionally been James the Lesser.  I'm really hoping while James the Lesser was alive, people weren't calling him that.  It's rather demeaning!

Anyway, we've had late nights.  Not much time to contribute to this blog.  We're tired, and looking forward to Monday.  The production itself is going to be powerful, but I'm looking for some rest.  Of course, we don't really get that at home much, with Nana always there, needing to be entertained.  Without keeping her entertained, she spirals into a state of misery that brings us all down.  It's all a season, one we just have to ride out.

Tonight we've been reading, and we're inching closer to the end of the "Kingdom Keepers" series.  It's been a long time since we started this series, and we're approaching the finish line.  Eventually, a new book will come out, but we'll take a break after this reading and try another series.  Bedtime reading is fun.  We said our prayers after this, and soon after that we were fast asleep, worn out by the days. 

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