Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Riding Rancors

No matter how cool you think you are, you'll never be as cool as Boba Fett riding into town on his pet rancor.  This is the end of season one of "Boba Fett," and easily the highlight.  We sat down together watching the show tonight, and this season has had a few highlights, including the awesomeness of the Tusken Raiders, any scene with Fenec Stand, and the comeuppance at the Great Pit of Carkoon.   But this scene here was like everything the kid in me was dreaming of many years ago when lining up all the action figures on the floor.  The season ended tonight, and there were definitely some things that were final about it, but there are a lot to look forward to.  That one picture above establishes that Disney+ Star Wars seasons > Star Wars Sequel Trilogy.  We loved it tonight, and although the director of this episode is not my favorite, there was so much written into this episode to make Star Wars fans squeal like a Gamorrean Guard.

It was a good day today, a quiet one.  We've been doing a lot of writing lately for different campuses, plus creating artwork and graphics too.  I threw together some new Valentine's Day cards for kids to hand to parents at a few events.

This movie has been phenomenally popular, the new "Frozen" in a way.  It even has a song that everyone won't stop singing, one that I'm told has apparently even eclipsed "Let it Go," although I find that hard to believe.  Anyway, we'll be watching this at a KidPak event upcoming, although it's a smaller event.  It's one of those movies where the adults sit down to watch too.

Quiet day at school today.  Maddie said she's learning about evolution and Darwin in school.  Of course, we all know the truth about Charles Darwin.  He's a sniveling little man obsessed with Queen Victoria, so desperate to have her like him that he tries to steal a pet dodo from a friendly pirate captain.

With that kind of track record, can we trust anything this man says?  Or his monkey?

We did our reading tonight, and finally finished up with "The Syndrome."  We'll be moving to the next Kingdom Keepers book tomorrow night, which is the eleventh in the series, if you include this last one and "Unforeseen."  There are twelve total so far, but we should have these done roughly the time that the next one is released.  I'll have to look into getting that - the last few of these, we've gotten the author to sign them.  I was showing off Ridley Pearson's signature on these latest books to Maddie, although he didn't sign "The Syndrome."

We said our prayers tonight, and soon after that we were all asleep, although before bedtime, Mom and I were watching some more of the Olympics.  That's been our addiction, as usual during these Games.  All throughout the day I'll have something playing in the background, some curling match or biathlon event.  It's been great fun, with lots of stories.

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