Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Story Entourage

Here's Maddie's entourage that joins her each night for bedtime stories, each one listening in on the chapter or two I'm reading each night.  Putnam is there, along with Chuck the Groundhog.  Spider-man and Baby Yoda are there, and Lacey the lamb.  Morris is there too, resting on my head, plus Charlie the Taco, Henry the Turtle, and Camila the Catacorn. It's a big group, but they were all riveted by tonight's reading from the latest Kingdom Keepers book.

Today is "Do a Grouch a Favor Day," so the girls were having fun with a game I made up for small groups tonight.  Obviously, it involved Oscar the Grouch.  I'm not sure who made up the holiday of "Do a Grouch a Favor Day," but it was pretty much the best choice for all the random holidays to celebrate today.  Camille's small group went on for some time tonight, and that's never a bad thing, as the girls spent a lot of time talking with one another.

I was at the heart doctor today, and I'm back after several months.  There's an echo cardiogram coming up in a few weeks and some blood work too, but things seem to be okay.  I'm feeling a little off lately, but I'm still on the many pills and still doing the walking each day on the treadmill.  I'm doing those walks, listening to a podcast lately, each episode dedicated to a different President, roughly 40 minutes long or so each.  I'm approaching the end, and it's been interesting.  I should be pretty close to done by Presidents Day, actually.

Tonight we were watching "Sherlock Gnomes," which is actually a good movie that goes with our recent "Get a Clue" theme we're doing at KidPak.  I was sitting there taking notes and enjoying the movie while jotting down one-liners and ideas.  Some of those are certainly showing up in this upcoming weekend's skit on Sunday.

It was a decent day today, and the photo above shows how we wrapped it up.  We said our prayers after that, and not long afterwards, we were all in bed, ready for a good night's rest. 

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