Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Tennessee Smokies

We were off today for another quick trip north, and as we've done lately, we stopped by Oconaluftee Islands Park for a quick picnic!

The weather today was really nice.  We were traveling north and there was evidence of rain, but we never really ran into any until we reached the top of the Smoky Mountains.

They certainly were smoky today!  Our drive was pretty uneventful, although we did see a rather large elk in the middle of the road, and then later on had to wait so that a wild turkey could cross the road in front of us.  Why did the turkey cross the road?  To follow the chicken!

Anyway, we got to the Inn at Christmas Place again, returning to the hotel we stayed at last time.  The room is nice with a balcony here and a smaller Christmas tree.  We got here earlier today because it's "Christmas in July" at the hotel, and they have all kinds of activities here - we signed up to build gingerbread houses!

This was nice.  They had all the ingredients and a form already made so we could do our decorating at a table.  There were a lot of people in that room, all of us working away at our gingerbread houses.

And yes, Joey the Porg was there too.  This is Maddie's house, which turned out really good.  We got back to our hotel room after spending about an hour decorating, and that's where the three gingerbread houses are right now, siting in front of the television as additional Christmas decorations.  Here's Maddie's:

And this is all three.  Mine to the left, then Maddie's, and then Mom's.  Below is a better view of Mom's, which might have come out the very best!

So we finished up with the gingerbread houses, and then we were at the room for a little bit - but not too long.  The room is nice with Christmas decorations and even a small Christmas tree.  it's like the other room, with wreaths and Christmas pictures on the wall.  The bed is really nice too.  

But we did have tickets to something tonight - a baseball game!

We went to see the Tennessee Smokies battle the Birmingham Barons at the ballpark tonight, and we had just a great time.  For one thing, the weather was ideal.  We were in a spot near a breezeway where there was a slight cool breeze perpetually blowing by us, and beneath the overhead covering too.  

It was National Vanilla Ice Cream Day, so the three of us got free ice cream as we walked in the door.

We got there nice and early.  Maddie and I got hot dogs and yes, we got Cracker Jacks too!  We were also looking around the merchandise store, where we picked up a few t-shirts and some more baseball cards of the team.

We'd been wanting to go to a game, but each time we've been here, the Smokies have been playing away games.  So this time around was perfect timing.  Unfortunately, we've learned that this is actually their last season in Sevierville.  So we're glad we got to see them play here, before they move up to Knoxville.

We even got to see a few home runs!  The Barons scored first in the first inning, but soon afterwards the Smokies struck back with three runs as an answer.  And then there were more later on.  I think there were three home run balls hit, including that gem you see above late in the game.

In the end, it was a dominating performance by the Smokies, who were in first place last season, and look to repeat this year as well.  

We left quite happy with the experience.  Nice ballpark and a great time!  And right across the street, there's a Buc-ee's.  So yeah, we had to stop there, right?

Maddie picked up a new blanket from Buc-ee's, and Mom and I got some drinks there.  And we filled up the gas tank too, but it's just fun to walk around in there.  Even at 10pm, the place had lots of people wandering about.  

We got back to the hotel not long after that, and it was late.  We were ready for some sleep for certain, on these nice beds.  I read to Maddie some more from the adventure with Wicket the Ewok.  And then it was time for prayers, and a sleep in heavenly peace on these comfy beds.  Goodnight!

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