Monday, July 8, 2024

Back At the Movies

Well, here we are "At the Movies," the church's yearly visit to different movies and the messages within.  Downstairs, we were still doing the "Castaway Cove" series, and we had an entirely new skit that involved the "Inside Out" characters, who all did a really great job!  Might as well pose for pictures upstairs with the kids, who lined up to pose with us.

It was all a really solid morning, and a lot of fun.  And afterwards, we were out in the hot sun for a Summer Bash.  You can see Maddie below with her camera.  She took a lot of the photos you'll see below as our photographer.  We all had icees, and I was carrying around an umbrella to shade myself from the sun.  It was a scorcher out there, but the kids had a great time.

Once the Summer Bash was over with, it was time to head home and get some rest.  It was a pretty long day up until then.  But afterwards, Maddie and I got busy on a new LEGO project, some potted plants that you see below:

This took a good bit to put together, but like all LEGO projects, it was a nice enjoyable sort of process.  I did about three of the plants you see above, and Maddie did the rest of them.  They all turned out really well though, and it makes for a nice display!  Nana and Ye-Ye got this for Maddie for her birthday, and it looks nice!

The rain was loud and threatening all night, but nothing ever actually hit us in this area of Forsyth County until around 11:30-45 or so.  Until then, we're talking hours and hours of huge thunderous explosions.  Someone somewhere was getting pounded with a storm, and it was right next door to us.  It's just a weird phenomena here in this spot, where it's difficult for rain to get through.  It did get here though, around midnight, and it was a good solid dousing.

Tonight's movie was the one Pastor talked about this morning at church, a movie called "The Boys in the Boat," which really got us ready for the Olympics in a month or so.  We hadn't seen the movie before, and all three of us enjoyed the story and were happy to cheer on Team USA.  We'll have to see some other Olympic movies here and there, and of course once those games start, that's all I'll be watching for a few weeks!

Anyway, it was a full day today.  The rain is finally falling out there, steadily.  It sounds wonderful.  Maddie and I read tonight, a little story about Boba Fett.  We said our prayers after that, and got everyone tucked in.  Time to get some sleep!

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