Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Javelins and Other Things

Wow.  Tonight we were in Braselton to do a bit of work, and while Mom and I were there, Maddie was at FCY tonight.  Lots of running around tonight, which is what you think of with Summer Xtreme coming up soon.  There's a lot going on in the world, including this crazy heat wave and a hurricane much further south.  We're moving along with summer, and it's been busy and Maddie's been enjoying it.  Tomorrow is the Fourth of July, and she's looking forward to a break with fireworks.  The weather has been dry outside, the ground rather thirsty.  We've had our bird bath out and filled frequently with fresh water.  The hummingbirds have had something to drink from our fountain too, but you can see sprinklers out in the yards, the grass rather desperate for some moisture lately.  It's hot too, and we're all just praying for a change in the weather pattern.  This to shall pass.  We know it will, and soon enough we'll be talking about all the rain that's pouring down.  Unfortunately, it's just a bit too hot outside to enjoy being outside.  Mom and I get out on the front porch in the morning, the cool of the day, and we sit in our chairs reading and catching up on the news and watching the exercise people marching by.  I've been on my treadmill lately, marching myself to Martinique, at least virtually.  There's a new badge to be earned by marching about eight different routines on the French-owned island.  It's no coincidence that this was chosen, I think, because the Olympics will be in France pretty soon.  We love that stuff and will be watching that full-time soon enough.  I'm that kind of guy that gets excited about a javelin contest or a hammer throw.  The more obscure the better.  Oh, and speaking of javelin, we were pretty excited to see our friend won the javelin throw contest - we bought her a practice javelin, just because I thought that would be a pretty random and fun thing to do.  I mean, when's the last time you bought a javelin?  Anyway, she was practicing with that, and sure enough, when she went to the Special Olympics recently, she actually won first place.  

It was like we were the team sponsors or something.  We're huge into the Olympics and can't wait to see it all.  I've got the streaming network up and ready, and yes, I'll be watching javelin throwing, amongst other things!

After FCY, we made some time to watch a few things, and then we made time to read, then prayers, and a good night's rest.

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