Friday, July 5, 2024


Maddie made an avocado today.


I only knew about this because I got home and the house was empty.  I called out, but no one answered.  It turns out Mom was upstairs getting a bath, but where was Maddie?  I turned the corner to go up the stairs when suddenly... I was hit by an avocado.  True story.

Of course the avocado was a plush creation that Maddie made today.  We've had this little kit for a while now, one where you can make this plush avocado.  And you know something?  Today was one of those days to try and make one.  She did a good job!

Speaking of green, I finished up the "Inside Out" skit for Sunday, a small little visit with the characters, and really just a chance for us to have the five characters - six, if you include Riley - outside and greeting. And then down at KidPak too.  Maddie is going to be Disgust, which might be a dream come true for her! Mom tried that costume on her, and it looks good!

Maddie sent the image and a text about Disgust being upset because I smell so bad!

Anyway, it was a decent day today.  We slept in a bit, but I still got the usual work routine done in the morning, and then at the office, we were planning a Summer Bash for this Sunday after service, and then of course the Summer Xtreme plans continue.  We plotted out all five days of the set list, and that will be good stuff.  The worship will be solid.  

And so will the skits.  Here's our big bad, a guy named Man Head.  Don't tell anyone yet though, as he's the secret villain remerging from the past to put a chill on Summer Xtreme and the Tropical Breeze resort. I think he's from 2019, and he's based a bit on Andros from "Star Fox," just a giant floating head with massive hands.  Given that the series is called "Tropical Freeze," it's safe to assume there's a lot of Nintendo influence on this creative process here!

And speaking of which, Maddie and I were at Mos Espa tonight, at least on the Nintendo Switch.  We were exploring a good bit with LEGO Star Wars, just to change things up a bit.  It was fun, as was sitting down to watch a few episodes of "Suite Life with Zack and Cody."  There are some genuinely great jokes in some of these episodes.  I'm going to have to re-watch one or two just to write them down for future use!

We closed out the day with reading a new short story "From a Certain Point of View," within the world of "Return of the Jedi."  This one won't go well, we can already tell.  Maddie was happy with the last one, because it wasn't so bleak.  This one, however, features Malikili, and his particular fondness for his pet Rancor.  Yeah, that won't go well.  But the good news is that Malikili - maybe after this story - moves on with his life, becomes somewhat of a hero, and even helps open up a new restaurant in Mos Eisley.  So there's that.  Oddly enough, I remember having a Malikili action figure.  I may even have two - they did an updated version.  But this was one of the action figures from 1983-84... somewhere in there.  I still have him, his hat, and that gaderffi stick (geek terminology there).  He's not exactly the most heroic looking guy, and in fact his whole appearance in the movie was maybe more for laughs. 

Anyway, it was a good day.  We closed it up with prayers.  No rain today, by the way.  We had one of those typical phenomenons where a strong band of thundershowers was approaching the house and area, and it looked certain that we would get drenched.  But it completely evaporated at the county line or so, and once again left us high and dry.  We're praying for rain here now.  The ground is dry and thirsty, and we're keeping our bird baths full.  

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