Thursday, July 11, 2024

Beenies and Blueberries

We had a busy day today working towards SX24.  There's always so much to do from an administrative point of view.  We had hundreds of slides to make, hundreds of name tags, parent information packets to create, leadership manuals, and all this other stuff too.  We have some great material for the beanies though - that was one fun thing of the day, getting to see the AI artwork created for our Beenies that Nerdo finds throughout the week with his phone game.  Here they are...

Atomic Beanie

Burnie Been

Electro Beanie

Very Berry Beanie

Ghost Beanie


Houdini Beanie

I Dream of Jeanie Beanie

Rodeo Clown Beenie

Wind-Wind Beanie

...and Hairy Beenie!

Lots of beans!  Okay, so unrelated, but Maddie had taekwondo tonight, leadership class of course.  She was also helping as an instructor too, something that she'll be helping with the next week too.  She'll be a group leader, a co-leader of a small group for Summer Xtreme.  It's amazing the turnaround, from student to leader.  Fun!  She's got a quiet group of more behaved students, so hopefully she'll have a good time too.  

It's still hot outside.  No rain today.  Hummingbirds are coming to our feeder with greater frequency, and the other birds are visiting the feeders and the bird bath especially.  We change out the water frequently to help out.  Our area though is in this weird zone - a very weird zone in North Georgia - where there's no rain sometimes even when there are these vast amounts of thunderstorms sweeping through the state.  We'll hear all the noise of thunder, but that's about all that happens.

Although there was this.  I went out to check the blueberry bushes at the side of our house and there were a good number ready to be picked.  Unfortunately, the super dry and super hot weather of late has probably affected the total crop.  Nevertheless, we should have enough to make some tasty blueberry pancakes, which you can see above.

We watched a few episodes of "Zack and Cody" tonight before bed, and we read another short story "From a Certain Point of View."  And then there were prayers, and getting folks tucked in.  It was a pleasant day today.  Little stressed about what's to come, but we're working one thing at a time.  It'll all be good!

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