Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Gymnastics Watch Party

This was quite a night.  The end of the "Redemption Tour" for our US Olympics Girls team, you can see Buc-ee, Stevacado, and Ajax cheering on the Americans as they did their various routines in front of the entire world.  No pressure!  But wow, this wasn't a nail biter in the slightest.  The girls did so well, and of course at the end they were up there for the National Anthem in triumph.  It was epic!

Speaking of epic, we had a really violent wind and storm system sweep downward from the north.  It was huge.  We sat there looking out the doorway out the back porch, and our poor trees out there... they're so ginormous some of them, and yet they were blown to and fro as if they were just pieces of seaweed caught in massive shifting currents.  The scale of it all was immense, and somewhat scary.  Always glad when those storms pass by.  Lots of people lost power tonight, and driving afterwards, you could see debris and large braches littered all over the ground.  People's yards in our neighborhood are covered in leaves that got knocked down.

This is Gold Nine.  You don't know about Gold Nine, unless you're a geek.  And now we in our household know who Gold Nine is, one of the heroes of the Battle of Endor.  We read about her in our short story tonight, not so much about her exploits in battle but rather about her playing sabacc with Lando Calrissian, Wedge Antilles, and Wes Janson.  Reading the story, we didn't know who she was or if she'd survive the battle, but in fact she does, and that's good.  She has a son back on some other planet, and that would be nice to go see him again.

Anyway, that's our short story for the night.  We've got a ways to go before we finish these up, but you can tell we're approaching the end of the trilogy.  Some of these stories have been good - like the one we're reading now - and others have been meh.  But it's been fun reading.

Tonight we read, and then we said a quick prayer.  Time to get acclimated to going to bed early - school is approaching fast.

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