Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tropical Freeze - Day Two

Day Two is here, and it was another fantastic day at Summer Xtreme.  You can see Maddie's group here, ready to head into the theater to see "Inside Out 2" this afternoon.

Earlier, the younger kids in KidPak Discovery were visited by Edge Martial Arts, so it was fun to see some old friends visit with us, and of course watch the kids learn and have fun with martial arts.

Meanwhile, Maddie's group was getting ready for another day and another amazing service.

Ah, there's me in that weird inflatable gorilla costume.  He's on his way to a gorilla party, and there's no real explanation for that - it sort of lets the imagination wander a bit.  But our intrepid team of rescuers is there to find lost souls on the island, and today we find a few more, adding some cast members.  Meanwhile, Camille's character is here having fun, and takes another selfie.

The games and the worship set were to the extreme, of course.  It was a huge service as always.  The message was related to forgiveness - and given our frozen theme in the summer, we titled it "Let it Go." 

We've had Emma wandering out on stage today in this magnificent Olaf costume.  That'll be explained tomorrow, as her character needs to be rescued too.  It was a good day today though, and soon after we were heading back to the rooms to eat, and then launch out to see the movies!

We saw "Inside Out 2" a few days ago, but it was still one Maddie was wanting to see again.  The kids love it - this is a definite return to form for Disney and Pixar.  The girls got into the auditorium early and were able to snag that back row right away.

We filled the auditorium eventually, and another one too.  We had 450 tickets today.  Yeah, wow.  It was a big day for the theater.  But everyone loved the movie, and all that popcorn and the snacks. 

They returned to the church afterwards, and now it was time for dismissal, which went really well.  The temperature was super hot again though, and we were weary coming in, having stood out there again for another few hours under that intense heat.  

We got home afterwards, and we saw a big of the RNC on the television, but we also watched a new movie to Maddie:  "Labyrinth."  She agreed that it was a weird one.  I didn't realize that Terry Jones had a hand in writing some of it, but you could definitely tell with a few different areas.  It's the creative puppetry and visuals that make this movie amazing.  The music too, of course.  Well, laugh!

Anyway, we had a good day.  But it's time for bed, because early to bed... early to rise.  We said our prayers, and got to sleep early.


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