Friday, September 1, 2017


Madison headed off to school this morning, looking somewhat like a sherpa on her way up Mt. Everest, loaded down with a mighty backpack filled with all kinds of stuff.  After morning prayers and tea, it's time to load up in the car for the short trip to the school.  So Daddy grabs hold of the backpack to put it in the front seat - that way she doesn't have to move it from the back to the front while getting ready to get out of the car at school.  So Daddy reaches down to pick up this back pack, and the thing weighs roughly as much as Madison does.  And it has been like this every day of the year so far.  It's as if Madison is going on some extreme camping trip - either that or she's going bowling, and has a few extra bowling balls in that back pack for her friends.  It's amazing that a middle schooler has a back pack that heavy already.  No wheels are allowed yet on backpacks, but there's got to be a point where we stop having to hoist these cumbersome monsters up upon our backs.  Unless that's part of the school training?

Anyway, today is Friday.  We were watching the Not-So-Scary Halloween live streams from the Magic Kingdom tonight, both the Boo-To-You Parade and the Hallowishes Fireworks show.  The parade was interesting because it was evidently raining down there in Florida.  Rather than dance around, the characters were simply marching forward, greeting people, or in the case of the gravediggers, they were sort of tromping about like zombies.  It's September 1st, and we're already doing Halloween.  Pumpkin Spice is suddenly going to pop up everywhere, and fall decor is looming.  Mommy is excited about decorating early, almost as if it were Christmas season she was decorating for, right after October 31st.  That date is 61 days away, so we've got plenty of time for themed movies, decorations, apples, and yes, pumpkin spice.  It's here.

Tonight, Madison was playing "LEGO Batman 2" with Daddy for "research."  She asked the question, "How did Twoface get two faces?"

And that's when we popped in the Batman animated series, the greatest interpretation of Batman ever.  We watched the origin story of Batman, and then even an episode with Poison Ivy.  We're not done watching these episodes yet - we'll be watching them all soon enough.  The Scarecrow one was awesome, but Daddy's favorite might be "Heart of Ice," with Mr. Freeze.  These were so well done, and done at the height of the Tim Burton vision of Batman, the way things should have played out after "Batman Returns."  Of course, things did not work out that way, and we got those other movies.  But we always have this animated series to look back upon, and in this case, watch again.  This is Daddy's favorite Batman, and one that Madison is starting to like as well.

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