Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Tea in the Morning

Each morning, Madison starts things out the proper way, with a cup o' tea.  Daddy and Mommy do too - it's now a part of her upbringing.  Ah yes, tea.  It's a wonderful thing, isn't it?  This morning, we had tea and listened to the Tro-lo-lo song, as it's Edward Khil's birthday.  He passed away a few years ago, but he certainly left his mark with this one music video.  To be a fly on the wall while they were filming that - they had no idea the cultural impact on the world that this one video would have.  We were singing that song in our heads all morning.  And you might be singing it in your head right now too...

We had a line of strong storms come through today, something that Daddy and Madison had to struggle through on our way back from piano class.  It was the darkest I think I've ever seen a storm.  They said there was hail in Dahlonega, and that's not surprising.  The power was out at red lights, and the visibility was very low.  Weirdly, we were on our way back on Dawsonville Highway, and there wasn't any one else on the road for about three miles.  We didn't pass anyone, and there was no one behind or in front of us.  It was strange, and surreal with all this terrible weather going on around us.

We got home, and things were better, although the noise of the storms was present.  Still, someone was getting pounded with bad weather.  That's the thinking about this approaching hurricane too.  Nana and Ba-Ba are coming up, joining the evacuation as the forecasters are predicting a strike at Florida.

This morning, there was a yearbook meeting, one where we got together to talk about the Dr. Seuss theme of the yearbook.  It'll be interesting, and Daddy is possibly one of the guys doing the layout for the book.  That's not something I was necessarily volunteering for, but it just might happen anyway!

Madison had PE today, which she admits is her least favorite special class.  Yep, I'm right there with you, Madison.

Tonight, we watched a few more episodes of "The Tick," which is such a great cartoon.  Some of the quotes from the Tick are priceless.  Pretty much everything he says, you just can't wait for.

We went to bed reading tonight, reading "Rise of the Isle of the Lost," as well as our devotional, and then Daddy reading to Mommy another passage from "Hollow City."  We do a lot of reading in this house, don't we?

We do that... and we drink tea.  And yes, sometimes both at the same time.

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