Monday, September 18, 2017

How do you solve a problem like Maria?

Another category five - Maria went from a 1 to a 5 in one day today, and that's bad, bad, bad.  This storm is heading northwest, so we're keeping a close eye on it.  It may play the spoiler for our cruise upcoming, but it will certainly be devastating, catastrophic, and any other similar word you can come up with for several Caribbean islands, including Dominica, St. Croix and Puerto Rico.  This one looks as bad as Irma, and it's following a similar path, although the trajectory takes it upwards, northwards much sooner, hopefully before hitting Florida.  And hopefully hitting the heart of the Bahamas.  We'll see as time goes by, but ugh.  We're all suffering from hurricane-fatigue.

Tonight we had ballet, and while there was ballet there was grocery shopping, which turned up some good seasonal items that got Madison and Daddy smiling.  One such item was Sparkling Pumpkin Cider, which the two of us just love.  Can't wait for it!

We found our Count Chocula, Frankenberry and Booberry earlier, so we're nearly set with our seasonal food items!  Currently, a huge bowl of apples sits in the kitchen, and a basket full of apples on the counter as well.  All of us have been munching on apples all weekend here.

Nana and Ye-Ye's house is still waiting for adjusters and carpenters and contractors and tree removers and electricians and so forth.  I imagine many houses in the Southeast are.  They have an appointment with an adjuster on Wednesday, so at least the ball is rolling at this point.  Until then, they're at our house, and they're doing just fine in our extra room for the time being, along with the three dogs and two birds.

Tonight, Mommy made us all shepherd's pie.  We were working on our LEGO guy a little today, but also going out to pick up prescriptions and set up appointments to get four new tires on the car.  It's overdue for tires at this point.

We finished our books tonight!  We finished both the devotional and "Rise of the Isle of the Lost" on the same night.  Mommy was on hand for the readings, as everyone has been really into both books.  This one will show up as a Christmas gift soon enough - everyone enjoyed another visit with the Descendants very much, and Madison thought it set things up very well for the sequel movie.

One more thing.

Madison was creating this on her own this weekend.  We didn't ask her to, nor did anyone else.  She just wanted to draw this, and write scriptures on it.  It kind of reminds me of something Howard Finster would make.  She was just creating art, but this is a very special kind of art that touches your heart.  Our daughter is so precious.

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