Thursday, September 14, 2017

Rise of the Isle of the Lost


We're approaching the end of this particular book, "The Rise of the Isle of the Lost."  It was just Daddy and Madison, but soon Mommy was in on this one, listening in as well.  She wants to find out what happens next with Uma, Harry, and Gil.  Of course, also simultaneous are the adventures of Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos.  And Ben and Lonnie too.  And Jane. There are a lot of characters interacting in this book, somewhat of a prequel to the movie, "Descendants 2."  Madison is really anxious to hear what happens next, so much so that she'll head up to bed earlier in order to hear more being read.

Daddy was out and about today, with work on our LEGO figure, and hospital visits - Kellan and Gabby are having a baby today.  They're glad for all kinds of reasons that it wasn't on the day the tropical storm came through.  For one thing, it would have also been on 9-11, which has a bad association from this point on.

There are plenty of trees still down, including the ones on Nana and Ye-Ye's house, which may be on their house for the foreseeable future, until next week at least.  It's quite an undertaking, and will be one, trying to get that house back to normal.  Until then, our house is available as a home base, a place where they can hang their hats.  And put their birds.  And their dogs.

It's been a crazy week for sure, but the important thing is that everyone is okay.  We were getting stuff out of the path of these trees, trying to protect objects and furniture.  It's all a big process, but a lot of stuff is being recovered and saved.  In the end, a lot of stuff will be saved from harm, which is a big deal.  It's not as big a deal as Nana and Ye-Ye being saved from harm, of course.  But everything they're able to recover has been a pleasant surprise.

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