Monday, April 28, 2014


Today was the sort of day to go collecting helicopter seeds - there's a tree by the bus stop that sheds these once a year.  Madison and Daddy got a whole bunch of these and brought them to the back porch, which became our launch pad.  One by one, we sent them airborne - it was a breezy day, just perfect conditions to watch them lazily spiral downward below.

There is some pretty bad weather out there today.  It's been going on for some time now, crossing the country and still heading this way.  We won't get the worst of it here in our county, although we're all under a tornado watch tonight.  As usual, the northwest part of the state is in harm's way, the new "tornado alley" for the nation.  We just finished our "Storm Chaser" series, and this is the sort of thing we were hoping wouldn't happen during the series.  Hopefully, things will become calmer overnight with the cooler nighttime temperatures and a reduced energy.  But I'm no meteorologist, and can only continue to watch the radar carefully to see what is and isn't coming our way.  Right now, the weather forecasters are predicting only the northwest part of the state to get the brunt of it, again.  But still there's an uneasiness in going to bed with a menacing storm crawling towards us.

The weather today was warmer, but overcast - perfect weather, really.  We didn't have any rain, and decided right after Madison got back that we'd go down to the tennis courts.  And why not walk down there?  Yes, the three of us went for a walk down to the park and the courts, which were largely devoid of people.  It was a pleasant excursion - Madison was anxious to hit the ball back and forth. We did some simple exercises to begin with, where she hammered the ball over the larger net.  She did forehand and backhand, and is showing all kinds of promise.  And even more fascinating to me is that she is really enjoying it.  She was really wanting to play tennis, hitting the ball back and forth - so Daddy and she did just that for a time.  We had a volley go back and forth and back and forth, which is such a satisfying sort of thing when we're all still learning, really.

Madison played at the playground for a bit afterwards, as Mommy and Daddy sat on a park bench together, drinking from our water bottles.  But soon, it was time to grab the tennis balls in the basket, and make the walk back to the house.  Of course, on the way, we passed by the bus stop, so we got a whole bunch more of the helicopter seeds, or whirlybird seeds.  The actual name is a samara seed - and we got a whole lot more this time.  Together, we hit the back porch and launched the entire arsenal into the skies.

Mommy had a tasty dinner cooking in the house - corned beef and potatoes, which goes to show that it doesn't have to be St. Patrick's Day if you want to eat that sort of thing.  We did want to, and therefore we did eat it!

Madison did quite a bit of piano today, still trying to catch up a bit.  She did well enough though, and is getting better and better with the crossover finger parts.  With very little time left in the afternoon, Mommy thought it best that Madison have herself a bath before bedtime, which worked out well.  She was all clean just before bed, where we gathered together and prayed as we always do.  Tonight we prayed for protection from the storms for everyone in their paths.  We prayed for our friends and family.  We prayed for a good night's rest too!

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