Friday, April 11, 2014

Hot Stuff

Today we did a few videos at the house in the morning, including this one that features various spicy foods and hot sauces.

We had a few guests from a Florida church here as well (to the left).  They were "shadowing" us a bit, just to see how we "worked" at KidPak.  This is sort of a highly amusing thing to try to capture in a bottle, but anyone in ministry will tell you that.  For example, here we all were with this huge collection of peppers and hot sauces doing a video - and the next, we're in meetings and writing scripts and doing posts on social networks and creating imagery for the screens.  We're all over the place!

Still Daddy came home on time, and it was here that Madison and Daddy got to play some piano and then some games after that.  Madison is getting very good at her piano recital piece, so much so that Daddy is wondering if we should have picked something more challenging?  Still, we're way behind on the homework.  We'll do some catching up over the weekend and on Monday, hopefully.

One big decision today came when we saw the community yard sale on the calendar.  We thought that would be a great time to raise money for Madison's cousin, David Austen.  We can raise some funds for him to go on his missions trip, and maybe do it all together as a family.  We'll see how that turns out, of course.

Madison brought home a school class portrait, which came out really good as far as class portraits go.

Also, her teacher sent off a few videos to parents - this one is fantastic.  It answers the question, "What does the fox say?"  But it also answers a few other questions about foxes too!

Before signing off for the night, here's the video Daddy wrote for the "hot pepper" skit.  It's all about the Scoville Scale, which I learned quite a bit about.  That's part of the fun of these skits and videos and sermons - the research and learning part.  Anyway, here it is - and goodnight!

HOST is walking by a table with various peppers and hot sauces on it.

HOST:  “Hey there!  You know, not all hot sauces are created equal!  They’re all made from different kinds of peppers.”

HOST picks up a bell pepper.

HOST:  “For example, this bell pepper here doesn’t even measure on the Scoville Scale.”

HOST 2 blurts in from one side.

HOST 2:  “Hold it!  What on earth is the Scoville Scale?”

HOST:  “I was getting to that.  It’s a scale that measures how hot and spicy something is.  It uses numbers, and just as an example this pepper here is a zero.”

HOST 2 picks up some jalepeno peppers.

HOST 2:  “How about these here?”

HOST:  “Those are jalepeno peppers.  Those measure around 4,000 on the scale.”

HOST 2:  “No way!  That sounds like a lot!”

HOST:  “Yeah, they’re pretty spicy.  But that’s not as hot as it can get, really.  Check this one out here.”

HOST grabs a habanero pepper.

HOST:  “This is a habanero pepper.  It is pretty up there when it comes to being hot, hot, hot.”

HOST 2:  “What does it measure on the scale?”

HOST:  “Anywhere between 200 and 300 thousand.”

HOST 2:  “I dare you to eat one!  Right now!”

HOST:  “No thank you.”

HOST 2:  “It’ll probably melt your face!”

HOST:  “Yeah.  I think I’ll play it safe with my mild sauce.”

HOST 2:  “Is that the spiciest thing you can get?”

HOST:  “Not even close.  There are hot sauces and pepper extracts out there that are unbelievable.”

HOST 2:  “Like what?  Like what?”

HOST holds up a few bottles of hot sauce.

HOST:  “Like some of these.  Ordinary hot sauces are only about 600 or so on the scale – and those are pretty spicy.  But this one here?”

HOST 2:  “How much is it?”

HOST:  “One million on the Scoville Scale.”

HOST 2:  “That’s insane!”

HOST:  “No.  That’s an inferno!”

HOST hands HOST 2 the bottle, and speaks.  As HOST speaks, HOST 2 looks at the bottle with wonder and amazement.

HOST:  “If we were to measure you on the hot scale, where would you wind up?  How much fiery passion do you have for God, for going to church, and for telling others about Jesus?”

HOST steps away from HOST 2 for a moment to speak further.

HOST:  “Throughout history, many Christians were willing to risk their lives to spread the gospel.  They had a burning love for God, and had a church on fire for Him.”

HOST 2 walks in, still holding bottle of hot sauce.

HOST:  “Stop for a moment and think about where you measure on the scale.  Don’t let things get cold.  Stay on fire for God, and make your love for Him off the scale!”

PAUSE to let lesson sink in a moment, and then oblivious HOST 2 speaks up.

HOST 2:  “Hey, you dare me to try this?”

HOST:  “No.”

HOST 2 looks at camera.

HOST 2:  “You dare me to take a swig?”

HOST 2 nods, as if hearing an answer.  Then HOST 2 pretends to drink from the bottle.

HOST shakes his head back and forth as camera lingers on HOST 2’s face, which reflects the seven phases of death.



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