Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Sunday

The morning started early, as do most Easter Sundays - we had a 7:00 service to set up for, which meant we arrived a bit earlier than that to set things up.  Believe it or not, we had more people at that service than I would have expected.  Here's a photo of the service Madison attended, where kids were told the story from Good Friday to Resurrection Sunday:

Madison and Mommy came to the 11:00 service, so that we could all together go to Nana and Ye-Ye's house afterwards.  This is always a wonderful occasion - their house was decorated nicely, and there was a huge Easter feast there as well.  The original plan was to have the egg hunt on Saturday - yesterday - but the weather was less than ideal yesterday, with rain and colder temperatures.  But today, the weather was perfect.  It wasn't too hot, and it wasn't chilly either.  The sun was out, and soon, the kids were out as well, looking for eggs.

This is a nice photo of Madison hunting for eggs.  This year, she and her cousin Hannah were out looking for eggs in the front yard and the back yard - both wound up with quite a bit.  Meanwhile, the guys were on a different sort of hunt...

First of all, this is an Arnim Zola egg.  David and Jonathan decorated their eggs as Marvel characters, evidently some a bit more obscure than others.  Although this guy is one of the villains of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. lately, and of Captain America too.  Still, an Arnim Zola egg.  Who thinks of this sort of thing?

Anyway, we made a scavenger hunt for the boys, where a clue inside one egg would lead to another location, and so on and so on.  It took them a while to go through, but they did get through each clue.  Some were pretty easy, and others were more tricky.  Regardless, they had a good time - they were out looking for certain colored eggs, so the two egg hunts were going on at the same time without getting in each other's way.  Here's another photo of Madison searching for Easter eggs, one that I seem to take year after year:

As always, she had a great time.  And got way too much candy by the time it was all said and done.  She also got a few Disney Infinity figures, Perry and Phineas.  And a Frozen book, and a copy of "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2."  She got about three baskets filled with different items, so it was pretty overboard.  Still, she wasn't complaining!  Here she is on the egg hunt, finding a levitating egg.

Of course, it's not really levitating. The camera caught it just before the thing hit the grass there, and it appears as if it is just floating there.  After the egg hunt, we went inside and met G-Gma, and everyone ate, and ate and ate.  Nana and Ye-Ye always have a big Easter Feast ready for us, complete with ham and all the other fixings.  Nana did a great job getting a completely gluten-free meal ready for Mommy, who was able to enjoy eating with us.  All in all, it was a wonderful day - one where we found ourselves staying at the house for quite some time.  In fact, it was pretty much bedtime when we got back to our house.  We were all ready for bed though, as it was a pretty immense day.  But it was a special day, made even more special by time spent with family - and of course by remembering what the day was all about.

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