Thursday, April 24, 2014

Getting Ready for the Yard Sale

In just a few days we'll be having a yard sale.  It's a big neighborhood yard sale, and the spin Mommy and Daddy have this year is different:  we're going to take the money from this year's sales, and give that to Madison's cousin David Austen for his upcoming missions trip.  We let Nana and Ye-Ye know this, and of course Aunt Shain and Madison's cousins - and now they're coming to the yard sale too.  They've donated books, dvds, records, appliances, furniture, and more.  This afternoon, after school, Daddy brought Madison out to see some of the things we spent the day setting up:  so far, we've got it all in the garage, arranging it and organizing it on tables and shelves.  We knew Madison would see a few books that she'd like, and sure enough, she did.  She decided to get some of her money to buy these books - all for about $2.50.  She gathered her quarters, and bought the first items of the yard sale, making her first missions donation in the process.  It felt great letting her know what that money was going towards, and she felt great giving it.  Of course, in the process, she got some nice books.  But it was the action of giving that we all felt nice about.

Today was ballet, as usual.  We're getting closer to the ballet recital, and ballet camp too - Daddy signed her up for a ballet camp coming up towards the end of June.  It's for "older" girls like her, which makes Daddy feel more and more like a dinosaur!

Madison practiced her piano perfectly tonight, this after another little bribe.  Her recital is coming up, and Daddy wants her to focus on her solo, and another piece that she will be playing with a few of her classmates - three of them.  She and those two will play the solfège, while the others will be playing to other bass lines.  So she's got to get her part right, that's for sure.  With this in mind, Daddy has an old video game from a few years ago, "Madagascar 3," which she was wanting to try.  There's the bribe.

Speaking of video games, "Disney Infinity" lives on, as today we completed our Hall of Heroes with a statue of Perry the Platypus, and one of Phineas as well.  With these two statues, a new weapon opens up:  a green lightsaber.  Madison and Daddy now have that one, and are steadily marching towards completing everything on this game.   Having mastered the spelling list once more, and the recital practice, and ballet - and tacos - we sat down for a very short time to get some Disney Infinity in.  

But soon it was bedtime.  All of us were tired.  Daddy and Mommy had been lugging stuff up from the basement all day, arranging it and so forth.  Just after ballet tonight, Daddy and Madison stopped by the grocery store to pick up ingredients for tacos.  Madison wanted to be picked up, which was a little unusual, as many times she just wants to roam free.  When asked why she wanted to be carried, she just replied that she "wanted to be closer."


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