Saturday, January 11, 2014

Tornado Warning at Dawn!

It woke us up.  The wind came so strong and powerful, all the trees looking like they could be blown over at any moment.  Rain came down in sheets, nearly horizontal, and suddenly we were quite awake.  Quickly dashing to the computer, we saw there was a tornado warning for Dawson County, which was right beside us - we fall into that category, so close to Dawsonville here.

Fortunately, it appears that everyone was okay.  A girl was injured when a tree came through her home, but she got out of the hospital later on today, and looks to be okay.  The damage to the house, of course, is another matter.

So that's how we started the day.  We slept in, sort of.  But that's how we woke up, the three of us.  Our tremendous windows offer a huge view of the action outside - it was sort of like the windows at the "Restaurant at the End of the Universe."  But you watch with a bit of nervousness.  We weren't hearing any tornado sirens, which would mean we'd race down to the stairway.

Once the worst of it passed, it was pouring rain the rest of the morning and into the afternoon.  It was a heavy, heavy rain - to think this would have been an amazing snowstorm had it been here a few days ago.

We spent a lot of the day here at church, at the office, setting things up for tomorrow morning's service. Mommy was getting costumes together, and we were editing videos and soundtracks and so forth.

Madison was here on the computer, and also fooling around with the others that were here in the office.  She's been a team mascot, of course, very excited to come in and play with her friends.  Today's activities included making rude noises and saying that someone else in the office did it.  And using her Leapster Explorer a bit too.

Eventually, it was time to go though - which they did.  Daddy's about to go home too, as it is a late night.  Not late like one of our epic nights, but 9:15 pm is probably not an "early" night.

Here's the journal entry for the day:

1 Thessalonians 5:18 tells us to “Give thanks no matter what happens. God wants you to thank Him because you believe in Christ Jesus.” Even though we don’t completely understand what is going on all the time, we need to trust God and thank Him for His watchful eye. Write down below something good – that came out of something bad. And give thanks for the good!
To make it through life, you need to have the best kind of wisdom. That’s wisdom from God! James 1:5 tells us, “If any of you need wisdom, ask God for it. He will give it to you.” Write below the areas where you need God’s wisdom. It could be school, friends or anything else where you need the best advice.
Read today’s Bible story in Matthew 6:25-34. In this passage, what exactly is it that Jesus doesn’t want us to do? List that below, and then find in Matthew 6:33 what Jesus tells us to do first, which is most important. Write that down as well, and keep it close in your heart!

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