Friday, January 17, 2014

God is Good

Madison's entry in the fasting journal yesterday led her to create her own song, rather than write some poetry or praise to God.  Instead, she wanted to make up a little song.  So she wrote down her lyrics, and then decided it would be best to preserve the song by recording it on the computer.  And there it is:

"God is good and great and awesome to everyone and me."

It was so cute.  And inspiring!  We did a bit of piano practice after the journal entry, sort of rushing through things a bit so we could get to the good bits:  more Disney Infinity!  This has been the game of choice, one where Madison is found building things and constructing worlds and exploring different themes, from "Frozen" to "Pirates" to "The Incredibles."  It will be quite some time from now when we're done with this game, as she's been enjoying it quite a bit.  And as motivation for her piano practice, Daddy has promised to give her two new power discs.  It helps to have that reward in front of her - so much so that Daddy is going to use these discs to motivate her in other areas, such as drawing.  The basic idea is to get her to practice drawing more:  maybe after a certain amount of drawing from her books, and we'll get her another reward disc.  She's got a "Brave" how-to-draw book, along with a few other Disney ones.  She's also got a how-to-draw flowers book, one she's been using this week.  She's drawing daisies and flowers like that, getting better and better, of course.

We went to bed late tonight, but that's okay because it is Friday night.  In fact, we can stay up late on Sunday too, because we have Monday off.  It's a holiday, and Mommy and Daddy are coming up with a few ideas for a fun day.  We'll see how the weather holds up though - lately it's been a little chilly outside, too cold to enjoy any outdoor sort of activity.

But we've got wood for the fireplace, and heaps of warm blankets to pile on.  Tonight everyone dove under the covers for a good night's rest.  Despite the promise of "getting to sleep in," Madison hasn't taken advantage of it too much - she's always up early, jumping in bed with us, eventually pushing Daddy out of bed and down the stairs!

She'd be a great alarm clock!

Psalm 47:1 tells us to “Come everyone! Clap your hands! Shout to God with a joyful praise!” Today, write down just a few of the other ways that we can praise God – and try them out!
Those who work in the children’s department of your church need special prayers, as they are doing an important job. Jesus said, “And whoever welcomes a little child like this in My name welcomes Me.” Today, write down the names of those you know who volunteer and work with the children’s department at your church. Don’t forget to pray for them!
Read today’s Bible story in Matthew 11:25-30. If we come to Jesus, He has promised to do what? Write down your answer below, along with His words of how serving Him can be.

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