Monday, January 13, 2014

Let it Go

So we've been listening to the "Frozen" soundtrack on the way to school each morning.  And on the way home.  And on the way to piano practice.  And... well, you get it.  It hasn't got old yet, especially for Madison, who likes to sing along.  She remembers the movie vividly, and can tell you the things that happen right before and after each song.  We got the soundtrack last week after a sale on the internet, so we downloaded it.  Apparently, a lot of other people have gotten the same soundtrack, because it was the number one music release in the country, over all the pop stars and rock bands.  And, at the same time, it was the number one movie as well, despite being released two months ago.  It was indeed a special movie, as proven by the Golden Globes, which gave it the award for Best Animated Picture.  I don't think there was any hesitation in giving that reward - this year's movies were good, but "Frozen" was above and beyond.

Daddy went to the doctor today to address some symptoms that have been around since the release of "Frozen," actually.  Fortunately, it looks like I'll be okay with a slight diet adjustment.  Also, the blood pressure was good, which was a nice thing to hear.  Daddy's been worried about that, as the little blood pressure check at Wal-Mart tends to tell me I'm in a bad state.  But the doctor went on to explain that Wal-Mart isn't exactly the best place to take your blood pressure, as it can sometimes be a stressful place!

Speaking of doctors, Daddy's visit this time was much more friendly.  Just keep me away from the nurses there though, because they scare me.  No more stabbings!

When Madison got home, we had our regiment again:  homework first.  Madison's spelling words end in "ug" this week, like bug, rug, and mug.  Or more complicated words like hugging, plugged, and one of Daddy's favorite things to shout out when things don't go his way:  "Bugger!"

We also did our devotional entry, which has been so sweet to do together.  Madison makes sure this is done as well.

But we did little else today, really.  We read our Bible story, and we had a nice meal that Mommy cooked up:  she tried out this mix of black beans, corn, sweet potatoes and regular potatoes with a bit of seasoning - it was this great mix that resembled a hash.  I guess that's the best way to describe it.  She's been posting stuff online for fast-friendly recipes and getting lots of people sharing her posts.  We're blessed - really blessed - to have a great chef in the house!

Psalm 9:1 says “I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart.” Write down here something that you have seen or heard about God doing for others as they fasted and prayed. Rejoice with them, with your whole heart! _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________
Nehemiah once wrote that the joy of the Lord is our strength! If you’re feeling weak during this fast, one of the easiest things to do is remember those times that God has brought you joy over the years. List a few times and occasions below where God has brought you joy, and pray for His strength to keep you through the year.
Read today’s Bible story in Matthew 7:24-29. Jesus talked about two types of people here. What does the first and wisest one do, and what can you do in your life to be just like this wise man?

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