Wednesday, January 29, 2014

National Puzzle Day

We still had somewhat of a "snow checklist" to finish off today, and sledding was on that list.  As we currently don't have a sled, Mommy found us a large cardboard box that would suffice.  A few trips down the hill on the side of the house, and we were set for another epic snowball fight.  Madison will let Daddy focus on building things, or using the snow shovel to clear the driveway, and then sneak up behind him with a big snowball.  As a gesture of kindness, she'll pat you on the back too - only with a big snowball in her hand, rubbing it all over your back.

The snow is something she really enjoys.  I always thought the line in that song, "I want to wash my hair in snow" was a bit odd, but I think Madison would actually have no problem with this.  She would lay down in it, and want to be buried in it, and just throw it in the air over anyone nearby.  Simply put, Madison loves snow.

But come in we did - the snow shovel did it's magic, and soon we were ready to come in out of the chilly air.  Everything was closed today, and it will be closed again tomorrow.  Tomorrow's call is a little over anxious, but nobody is taking any chances after the controversies of yesterday.  Again, nobody saw that coming.

Another thing on the list for today was Ratatouille Uno.  We had this old Uno set that Madison discovered, and she was really wanting to play it for the past couple of days.  With an entire day off, we had time to do just that.  Daddy got inside to discover that tonight's services were cancelled, as was any trip to the office.  I suppose the photo of Josh's car was a sobering reminder of the risks that folks might take to get there.  So, we had the day off entirely, and found ourselves with a few rounds of Uno.

The itinerary took a turn from there, as we noted it was National Puzzle Day.  Ah, what a great idea!  We had a few puzzles upstairs, so we endeavored to set up a 300 piece one with Madison, one with a familiar character on it:

Yep, there's Jack Sparrow again.  This was a group effort, this puzzle, with Nana, Madison and Daddy doing most of the work, and an occasional assist from Mommy.  Madison did quite well with this one, and it took us a little bit to do, especially when combined with an afternoon meal.

Mommy and Daddy are a little under the weather today - we got that from Madison, probably.  She had a bit of a runny nose and sore throat earlier.  The unseen one was the sinus pressure.

We didn't go anywhere today.  We didn't try to either.  Partly because of the above, but the other reason was that it just didn't get above freezing temperature today.  The roads in our neighborhood looked fine, but the shadowy areas on back roads might be just enough to cause trouble.  So therefore, we stayed put.

Of course, there was Infinity.  And there were movies too.  But it was a day "stuck in the house" for the most part, and that was okay.  Poor Nana and Ba-Ba came up from sunny Florida, and they probably weren't expecting this at all.  But as we close, check out this photo we got from the Florida state line:

The Sunshine State indeed!

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