Monday, January 27, 2014

Bubble Wrap

Today was National Bubble Wrap Awareness Day, which Daddy prepared for about a month ago.  I think there was one Christmas present that arrived in the mail, shipped here, and I remembered this sacred holiday coming up.  SO, I stuffed the bubble wrap in a hidden spot, so I could bring home some magic.

Yes, it was just like Christmas at the house when Daddy came through the door with a big roll of bubble wrap!  We spread it out on the floor, and everyone started popping!  Even Velcro was stepping on the bubbles, making them pop.  Mommy put on a "virtual bubble wrap" page on the computer, and Madison continued the fun there too.

We take bubble wrap very seriously in this house.

We had a good day today, with thoughts of winter in our minds for tomorrow.  It might snow here, so there's a tiny bit of excitement.  The forecast is an odd one though, as they'll get as much as five inches of snow in Macon, and not that much here at all: probably just a dusting.  But that's enough to shut down the world for a tiny bit.  Though probably not enough to build a snowman.  : (

Madison was back and school, and Daddy was back at work.  Mommy and her parents were off for a bit, but tomorrow is the day of shopping around (should the weather work out).

We had a Thanksgiving dinner tonight, compliments of Nana, who just felt like turkey.  In a dramatic move, Madison tried a bit of turkey, and found it delicious.  This bodes well for our next Thanksgiving, of course!

We did some reading tonight about King Solomon, and did some Disney Infinity as well.  Madison was done with her piano practice for the week, but she still wanted to impress Nana and Ba-Ba, so she played a few songs like "Windy Day" and "Itsy Bity Spider" with both hands.  The first of those songs is actually a slight challenge, as your fingers with one hand are going at a different rate than the ones on the other.  She's doing well though!

Guess what?  We discovered we have a few days off around a weekend coming up:  Valentine's Day.  That, combined with a desire to feel warm again, may send us to Florida for the weekend.  We'll see how that pans out, but it's a good idea in theory.  Today we were looking at pricing for various vacations, although we're wanting to save a little this year.  We're certainly more economy-minded this year than usual, as are most Americans.  It's a gloomy sort of malaise that has settled in, one we hope we can spring out of as a people.

I know there's one thing that can help cheer everyone up.  It's something that is time-tested and true, a source of inspiration and joy, which lifts spirits like a beacon of hope just bursting with the unbridled faith in a world that can only get better!  Yes, there is no question that this would bring about the overwhelming flood of contentment that will drown out the gloomy malaise.  That one thing is:  bubble wrap.

If only we could mention that in the State of the Union, then people would take the President seriously!

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