Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Tonight, we had ordered all the supplies that were needed so that every child could walk away with their own DIY Forky.  Forky, of course, is the new character from "Toy Story 4."  Daddy brought home what was needed so that Mommy and Madison could make their own versions too!  Here are the ones that Nana and Madison made at home, which they had fun making.

Madison spent a good deal of time studying math, studying exponents and so forth.  It takes a lot of concentration - and speaking of which, we made this great game of concentration today for the kids.  It was based on "You've Got a Friend in Me," where we were matching up famous duos like Buzz and Woody, or Mal and Evie, or Batman and Robin.  Speaking of which, we just saw that last "Batman and Robin" movie with Adam West, and it was really fun and nostalgic.  Daddy used to watch that television show growing up, and it was great hearing some of the original cast reprising their roles in an animated production.  Sadly, it's going to be the last one.  But it was great visiting with something that is a bit of camp, but reverent at the same time.

Today we were watching the opening of Galaxy's Edge at Disney, and maybe thinking about visiting there soon enough.  We may be there in October, perhaps.  A lot depends on other things going on, but our fall vacation time is coming up soon, and we're dreaming of going off and doing something somewhere, just to get away.

Madison is enjoying school still, and the year is moving along.  August is already coming and going, and that's pretty amazing how fast it just went by.  Mommy is anxious to get the fall decor out, but we have this little clock inside, and can't justify putting it out until after Labor Day.  But believe me, once Labor Day comes and goes, that fall decor is going up and out!

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