Friday, August 2, 2019

Season Finale

Popcorn ready, we were all upstairs in the guest room for the final episodes of season six of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."  There were quite a few ups and downs, but all in all, it was a great episode, actually.  We were worried about a few cast members, but they all made it through - for the most part.  It was that ending that got all three of us, this completely bonkers twist that just had us asking so many questions.  But we love that sort of thing.  We won't get answers for quite some time, but that's okay.  It's been a fun ride watching this since the beginning.  It's sad that this next season is the last one - we've been some of those that have been watching faithfully every episode from the first season.  But getting around seven seasons is more than we thought we'd get, and it's been entertaining.  It's funny how many episodes there have been all this time, and how we forget this happened or that.  It'll be fun going back through them all again, and watching from the beginning.  We'll be doing that with Madison soon enough.

Before we watched tonight though, we had to deal with a major problem:  no popcorn.  Madison and Daddy drove out to the Dollar General and bought some popcorn right away.  Problem solved, crisis averted!

Today was the second day of school, and things were a little more quiet.  No "first day of school" pictures, although we still take a picture first thing each morning.  We were cleaning up the office area at work some, and also finishing the booklets we're writing for the new series.  It's written - it just needed the first round of proofing.  More to come there.

The school bus ride home - that was the first this school year, and things were slightly different on the way home, and as a result, she seems to be getting home later than last year.  But it's still early on and they're probably still working out the dismissal process.  Madison had a good day at school though, with a few pre-tests and even a book list presented for the upcoming year.  We have no idea about any of these books, but one year from now, I know we'll be able to tell you all about them.  Hopefully they'll be good quality books, and nothing too preachy.

Tomorrow we're planning a trip, possibly to the High Museum.  We have other options, but that is a place we've been talking about going to for a while with Madison, particularly on these free weekends.  Mommy and Daddy both have a particular credit card that allows us to get in certain museums the first weekend of the month, and get in for free.  That's how we got into the Tellus Museum previously, and we'll use it again tomorrow.  Madison was two the last time we were at the High Museum, so she has no idea what's in there.  We don't really either, but we'll find out soon enough!

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