Friday, August 9, 2019

Unreasonable Numbers

One of the things that Madison is going to be looking at in math shortly is the topic of irrational numbers.  This always gets a chuckle from me, as the definition of irrational is "not logical or reasonable."  I get the illogical aspect of these numbers, but they're also unreasonable.  And that's where I find a bit of humor:  we're dealing with unreasonable numbers here, people.  I mean, other more rational numbers are sitting there, trying to talk to these numbers and convince them the right way about doing things.  But by gum, these numbers are just unreasonable!

For those of you wondering what a irrational number is, it is rather simple, so much so that even I can explain it:  it's a number that doesn't make sense.

Okay, for real, it's a number that cannot be written out completely.  For example, π is a super famous irrational number because when you go to write it out, you write out:  π.  And that makes no sense.  But seriously, the actual version of π, written without any numbers, goes on and on and on.  Here are just a few of the numbers:  3.1415926535897932384626433832795...

Many times when you try to divide something by something else on your calculator, you get this impressive list of numbers that goes on and on and on... you just can't write it all down.  And your pathetic little calculator can't list all the numbers either.  This is so unreasonable that we call these "irrational numbers."  Because why not?

Anyway, she's starting on these parts of math this year, and come to think of it, "irrational" and "unreasonable" are perfect words to actually describe the Common Core method of teaching math to kids.  Thankfully, she seems to be heading towards something more reasonable and rational.  Or, I mean, uh... well, you get the point.

Today we were dealing with hot weather, with temperatures that can be measured using rational numbers.  Although people like myself deal with the temperatures in irrational ways.  Example:  running and screaming indoors to where there is air conditioning.  Regardless, we were doing some yard work outside, and the house is looking really great out there right now.  I am so amazingly thankful for Ye-Ye and Nana, who are converting our yard into something magical.

We're dealing with costuming for our new series, and some proofing for writing still.  The booklets are almost done, and that's a big moment always.  The graphics look great too.  

Madison is working on her autobiography, first chapter.  We're also working with the SSR, watching episodes of "Agent Carter" each night that we can.  This is sort of the carrot that dangles at the end of the night, a little incentive to get the homework part over with.  She's got enough to do again already, with that and her piano practice as well.

We're gathering a lot of our stuff together in the garage right now, or at least Mommy is.  She's assembling large donation piles for various destinations.  There's one garage sale that's happening soon enough to benefit someone in our community who is going through a tough time, so we're going to be parting with some of our material we've been holding on to.  We're also getting rid of some of our older books from when Madison was younger - those we'll be donating to the elementary school library.

We read tonight, continuing the adventures of Luke, Leia, Lando, Han, Chewbacca, C-3PO and R2-D2.  Also Mara Jade, Talon Kardde, and Grand Admiral Thrawn.  Afterwards, Madison calls out to Daddy as he leaves with Mommy:  "Good night, Grand Admiral Stench!"  She's still doing that:  an imitation of Vanellope Von Schweetz at the end of "Wreck-it Ralph."  The two of us call back to each other, "Good night, Fart Vader!"  

"Good night, R2-PU!"

"Good night, Pew-bacca!"

"Good night, Admiral Stinkbar!"

"Good night, C-Stinkio!"

One of my favorites right now was from Madison, just something she hurled out that had us cracking up:  "Good night, R2-U-STINK!"

It was so odd, but it's a fun way to say goodnight each night.  Sure, we say our prayers, and yes, we tell each other, "Love you!"  And of course the hide-and-seek, and the zerberts.  Mommy tonight actually was giving Madison zerberts to the tune of the Imperial March, which got big laughs!  We have this new diffuser in Madison's room that also serves as a nightlight.  It changes colors gradually, at one point turning a dark red color.  Madison looks up and sees this, and starts humming with as much drama as possible the Imperial March.  Mommy joined in, doing the same tune using zerberts on her tummy.  There was a lot of laughter in Madison's bedroom tonight!

If none of this makes sense, then yes, this is a completely irrational post.  But it's not unreasonable!

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