Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Literal and Metaphorical Storm

Here's our next group of college students at the church.  You can see Daddy in the front row there, ready to host and teach another year, alongside the other staff members of course.  It's going to be a great year, and it might be a crazy one too...

Today was a good day here, although down in Florida, things are more menacing.  The approach of Hurricane Florian has been one of the most unpredictable paths in recollection.  This one seems to defy forecasters left and right to the point that today, meteorologists were collectively saying, "Forget it!"  And just being honest, telling us all, "Look, it's going to hit somewhere on the East Coast.  Maybe."

Regardless, the safest path for Nana and Ba-Ba was northward, away from any coast at all, and into our home.  They made the safe journey upward without any incident.  At least until they got to Henry County.  Yes, they called you out by name, Henry County.  They don't even know of my personal animosity towards the interstate system through your county, and yet today we shared that all too common thing that is said about Henry County:  "We were driving along just fine, until we hit all that traffic in Henry County."  How many people say that on a daily basis is not possible to actually count at this point, as many of them are still technically stuck in traffic there at this moment as I type this.

At least they made it here safely, despite the Lord of the Rings journey they made to get here.  They arrived safely in the evening, and all of us were watching the forecasters sputter and struggle to find the right thing to say.  Despite this, it was a happy reunion today, all this during the other storm that is going on.

Tonight we had taekwondo, and Madison was looking sharp with her skills with the combat stick, all this while Daddy was doing a bit of writing for the new series.  This has been more of a struggle to write, but the end result turned out pretty decent.  The kids have really responded to this series, of course, but this is largely due to the efforts of Mommy and the costuming.  The actors have been overwhelmed by the response, seeing all these kids rushing forward and saying things like, "I met the real Buzz Lightyear!"

Anyway, it was a good day today.  There is a hint of menace in the air.  The other storm we mentioned above is the diagnosis for Ba-Ba.  He's been meeting with surgeons and next week - weather pending - an oncologist.  We'll see how things progress there, but the progress is moving rather slowly at present.  We'd love all this to be gone, of course.  We prayed tonight for him, and for all of us, and for everyone in the path of this storm.  The folks in the Bahamas are enduring first - it's a slow moving monster.  We prayed against both of these slow progressing storms, that they would weaken and die.  Peace, be still.

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