Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Writing Already

Madison is already off and running with some homework assignments.  She's got a long-term assignment this year where she's writing her own autobiography.  Her first memories make up the first chapter, so over the next week she'll be writing about the very first things she remembers.  To assist her, she's actually going back and reviewing this blog somewhat, looking up a day in particular during our "Pridelands" series, where she was going to KidPak and wearing an African-inspired outfit.

But she's also writing a short homework assignment on Robert Schumann, of all people.  I have to admit this was a stretch for me.  I didn't know his work as much as others - he's a composer.  While shopping for "Toy Box" items at Goodwill though, it just so happens we found a record filled with pieces of his music.  So yes, we bought it, being the good immersive parents that we are, and when we got home we played it on the record player.  It wasn't great, I'll just say that.  But it was also a record that focused on the brass section, and while that is impressive, the entire first side of this record sounded like the soundtrack to some exciting Medieval ceremony.  It was a bit intense for background music, but at least we can say we heard Mr. Schumann's work.  I'm sure he has some other more subdued musical selections.  As for Madison's actual assignment, she got the job done and wrote it rather well.  Daddy only caught a couple of typos, the very same typos he himself is guilty of making with his writing, and the very typos that are easy to find and correct when you first re-read something you've written.

Today Daddy was continuing the tour to the folks from the church in Maine.  We actually went to eat at a restaurant on the Gainesville Square called Sweet Magnolia's.  It was great atmosphere, and good food too.  Afterwards, we went to the Mexican ice cream place, and that was a big moment for them.  Yes, we all tried the corn-flavored ice cream!  Other than eating, the rest of their trip down here has been productive, as they've been talking with all the staff here, and learning a lot about KidPak in particular.

So we got some distressing news from Florida today, and we'll be praying about this, as it could be shaping the next year in a much different way, as these bits of news tend to do for people.  It answers questions, but raises many more.  Without getting too specific at this point, we'll be praying, and Mommy is certainly affected by this.  Tonight we did pray, and we also read from these ginormous Star Wars books as well.  They're super long, at least compared to our usual fare.  But Madison is very much into the stories.  Still, Daddy misses Nancy Drew!

We had taekwondo tonight, which involved combat sticks and sparring.  It was Madison's first day at the school there with a blue belt on.  She's working towards her brown belt next, which is two cycles away:  October, she'll get the blue belt confirmed, and then hopefully by December, it's the brown belt itself.  March should be the brown belt confirmed, followed by the red belt in May.  Which gives her a year to earn the black belt, somewhere in eighth grade.  Yes, our daughter will be a black belt!

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