Monday, February 22, 2016

Fish Tales

Here it is, the legendary Fish Tales pinball game.  Daddy played this one relentlessly in the 90's at college, and the Addams Family Pinball game during the summers.  Fish Tales was fantastic though, and it's exciting to see it available for the Xbox.  Yes, this will happen soon - because we're doing a series at KidPak that is in fact named after this pinball game.  Sort of.  Our series is called "Fish Tales," but that just so happens to be the name of this pinball game.  Daddy has been rereading all our old Fish Tales material, and it's been good.  Already, we can't wait to go spend some time fishing!  This series will start in April, so it is a little time away.  It should be warmer, and Madison is looking forward to catching a lot more fish than Daddy once again.

So yeah, it rained today.  A lot.  Again.  The ground is so soaked, puddles everywhere, miniature lakes in people's lawns, and lake levels rising.  We drove through the rain to go to ballet today, and while there Madison danced away indoors, and Daddy read his Skylar book in the car.

We got home, and Madison was back in line with some homework.  Did we mention the deer we've been seeing behind the school?  Before dropping her off, we wait in this line, and we saw all of these deer frolicking in the back!  We might have to check out "Bambi" some time soon.  Though not tonight.  No, tonight there was a bit more homework than usual.  We had some assigned reading to do about Fredrick Douglas, and some math to do on top of that.

For dinner, Mommy made beef stroganoff, which essentially guaranteed that Daddy talked like he was from Russia the rest of the evening, quoting Zangief and longing for the old days of the Soviet Union.  Sadly, we didn't have any caviar available.   Perhaps next time.

Madison finished her piano tonight as well, so she got a few rewards, including the next book in the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" series, which got her really excited. She loves these books!

Tonight before bedtime though, we still had Mary Poppins, and a chapter dedicated to babies that know how to speak with birds and the wind.  This is pretty much all of us, and a sad chapter it is, because apparently we all forget how to understand/speak this language before we're even a year old really.  Obviously, this part didn't make it into the movie.

Madison went to bed, and Mommy and Daddy revisited "The Age of Ultron."  Long movie, but it was fun.  Not as good as the first one, but we liked it a little more the second viewing.  Still, it was long, long, long.  And with that said, it's time to get some shut-eye!  Night-night!

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