Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday the 13th

Wow.  Foggy day today.  Today was the dreaded Monday the 13th, which is even scarier than a Friday the 13th, or even a Tuesday the 21st.  There was a lot of fog to start the day out, that kind of fog you only see in movies about London, the type that involve constables walking their beat down the street, swinging a club about and whistling.

We didn't have any of that here.  Just the fog.  Not even a token, "What's all this then?"

Today was Monday, which was somewhat usual in that yesterday was Sunday, and this thing typically happens the very next day.  You're there, and boom.  It's Monday.  It was also Columbus Day, which used to mean a lot more.  But as time goes on, we sort of put Columbus on the back burner.  Probably because it was 500 years ago, where as Martin Luther King was just forty or fifty years ago.  Either way, Daddy wanted to at least acknowledge the day in a little bit, so we listened in the car to an episode of Adventures in Odyssey.  This is a radio broadcast reminiscent of the ones that people used to listen to before television entered the picture.  People act out a story accompanied by sound effects to add to the realism of the thing.  Today's story was about a boy who uses the imagination station to travel back in time to sail with Christopher Columbus.  Or Cristobol Colon, as he was known by in Spain.  Glad that name didn't stick.  For one, the first name sounds like 'crystal ball' if you say it enough.  And the last name sounds like a body part that people generally don't like being compared to.  The point is, we went on a little sailing journey in the car, listening to that fateful voyage from 1492.

But we didn't end up in the New World.  Instead, we ended up at ballet practice.  It was time once again for ballet, although there were quite a few other students that didn't get the memo.  We found out that this week was a vacation week for Hall County schools, so therefore a lot of students were on vacation, or just vegging at home.  The point is, Madison was there with only two other students to begin with.

We got home from there and did our piano as always.  This is getting increasingly more difficult, but Madison is taking it with stride.  She can already play things that Daddy cannot - therefore Daddy had better get things in gear in order to not get left in the dust!

Madison had a bath tonight, which usually sucks up a lot of time.  The end result is not much else being done this afternoon, although we did finish reading that latest Never Girls book.  Tomorrow, we'll start on a book that tells the story of "Frozen" from Anna's viewpoint.  It's a chapter book, so it'll take several days to get through, but Madison is excited about that one.  Daddy put a hold on another chapter book for after that, one that features monsters from Monster High.  Yep, we'll try that one out next - it's a series of books.  We'll see how that works, reading just the one.  She may want to read more, as she's pretty hooked on Monster High as of late.

Storms are coming this way.  Alabama is getting clobbered with bad weather once again.  That poor state just can't seem to catch a break.  It's been a really rainy few weeks here, with this strange tropical feeling in the air - humid and wet.

Still, the leaves are changing color.  The tree across the street is famous for it's color, at least in our house.  We see it when we look out the front window, and it's colors each year are brilliant and vibrant and dazzling and all those other fall adjectives.

But they might not stay on for long.  These storms coming through look a little rough.  We'll check in tomorrow - hopefully everything will be okay tonight!

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