Thursday, June 23, 2022

Forward Conference 2022

So Forward is here, and this is the first one at the Gwinnett Arena that Maddie has attended.  She's gotten her Rodeo Tribe costume all ready, complete with the orange coloring that the Rodeo tribe is assigned.  She took her phone along and took quite a few pictures along the way of course, just like every other attendee no doubt did.  Here's a picture of her and her friend Lily, who was with her the entire conference:

There was a lot of college students out there, hyping up the Tribes, with lots of chanting, songs and cheering.  Super fun energy!

There was some last-minute alterations with that, as the announcement about Free Chapel's assigned tribe was decided at the last-minute.  But Maddie made it work out, and here she is, super excited about this conference.  

She got on the bus this afternoon, riding down with friends and sitting in the area she was asked.  And that was the very front row.  As in, she is seated pretty much directly below the giant lit cube you see in the picture above.  Front row.  This may seem like it has benefits, but Maddie's not necessarily a front row type of person.  Still, she had a great time for day one, at least leading up to the mini-concert at the end.  There was so much energy here, and so many students all assembled here under one large roof.  It's fantastic to see the corporate worship, the cheering and the excitement about church here at the arena.  Everyone is so happy to be back at the arena after a few years absence.  It's an overwhelming sight seeing so many together to worship, so many together here back together again.

The introduction to Forward was a service with worship, a message and a mini-concert at the end.  Maddie did not enjoy the concert at the end, as there was a rush of people up there where she was, and it was pretty claustrophobic.  But the rest of the day was nice, and here she is finally at her first Forward at the Gwinnett Arena.  

The temperature outside while everyone is waiting was supposed to be a lot hotter, and for the end of June, that's somewhat expected.  But the forecast was making things out to be much hotter than it actually turned out being, and that's a blessing for all the kids standing out there waiting for the doors to open.

Maddie's got "lunch money, so to speak, and there are trips to food trucks outside waiting, or there is a scheduled trip to Sugarloaf Mills tomorrow to visit and shop, and stay somewhere cool where there's food and a place to sit.  

Maddie took this picture of one of her lunches, but she'll be doing a lot of other shopping too.  Our friend Daniel has a booth inside the arena where he's selling his t-shirts and hats and hoodies.  Maddie's going to drop by there to pick up a few items, as am I.  Hopefully we can get other students to drop by as well!

Her friend Lily has been with her the whole time, and Lily is spending the night with us throughout the conference, as that will make it easier for her to attend.  Tomorrow's an early morning to catch the bus, so we'll keep it brief here.  But it was a great day - and it's time for a little sleep.  A little sleep...

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