Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Crochet Peas!

Here's a little project Madison was working on, and it sort of just came out this way really.  She was practicing with the crochet, and she made this little boat shape of sorts.  Mommy came up with the idea to crochet some darker colored balls for peas, and thus, the crochet peas in a pod was born!  
Here are the real vegetables though. We're getting a really good product out of the garden now, and getting it fairly frequently.  These tomatoes look great, and there's an idea planted right now to make some fried green tomatoes in the coming days, gluten free, of course.

I was writing a lot today, getting ready for our "Under the Sea" series.  I had to do a new devotional, as we didn't do one last time for this series.  But the writing is coming along really quickly, and ideas are pouring in.  We're going to order some more oysters with pearls in them, and we're also going to order some sand dollars, as these have some good illustrations to go with them.  

We were watching "Finding Nemo" again tonight, and it is such a wonderful movie.  We'll probably do "Finding Dory" tomorrow night.  Research, of course.  But on the other hand, they're just good movies, and lots of fun.  We made a brief drop-by of the office today to pick up a few things - as always, the church is empty, this huge place so accustomed to being filled with people.  It's so odd, and of course there's the snowy set up there on the KidPak stage, the same stage from so long ago, the one for "Northern Lights."  Technically, we can call this one the longest running series now...!  Actually, that's not quite true, as I doubt we'll pick up on the rest of it.  Which is a shame, because we had the last two scripts all done and ready to go.

We did our reading tonight, and said our prayers as well.  The new school year is creeping up on us, and details about how things will work are being revealed.  Certain schools are pushing back the opening of schools, opting for online education only.  Entire counties are closed off in person, while others are going in.  We're going in, although even that is optional.  Madison wants to be there in person.  She's ready. So are we.

Tonight ended with prayers and reading and the usual assortment of fun.  It was a nice day, quiet and a pleasant day together.  We've got some more eventful days coming up soon though.

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