Monday, July 13, 2020

Hopefully Tomorrow will be Better

This year will go down as one of the worst in our nation since 1929, certainly.  The bad news just keeps coming with the economy and with closures and sickness.  But on a more local level, today we got the news that the chemo that Ba-Ba has been taking the last few months has not been effective at all.  We talked to him over the computer and got to see him and Nana, and you wouldn't know from talking to him that he's got stage four cancer.  He's lost his hair due to the chemotherapy, and there's a slight cough, not unlike the one that I have myself right now.  But other than that, he seems completely normal, talking and laughing, asking questions about school and just the same old Ba-Ba we know and love.  The next step is an trial drug that needs to get approved, but the circumstances are dire.  We need a miracle.

Cancer has killed so many.  Just today, we lost an actress who played the superhero Jetstream to cancer.  It's an obscure character from the movie "Sky High," but we love that movie.  The actress that played this character passed away today at a very young age.  Cancer is awful.

It was another scorching hot day, or at least it felt that way.  Mommy and Daddy were slightly sick today, the same symptoms being a sore throat and just a general sick feeling.  But no temperature.  Obviously with the world events being as they are, we've been somewhat leery, but Josh has had the same thing, and it just hasn't gone anywhere with him.  Madison has felt fine, and we really don't feel that bad at all, especially after some ibuprofen.  But it's just enough to make you pause.

Madison was at taekwondo today, working hard there with her leadership class.  She's still using the kama weapons, and doing a butterfly kick as well.  She's learning some new kicks, and she's just loving this class quite a bit.

I was outside cooking burgers today, because it's summer.  I made a wonderful cheeseburger, and it didn't last long.  I wish I made two!  But I was grilling some hot dogs as well.

While outside, we were watering our plants and vegetables, which are growing, growing, and growing.  They're looking great back there.  The whole yard is looking better, although I need to get to the back with a mower.  It's just so hot in mid-afternoon right now, and again, I wasn't 100% today.

We watched our usual binge-watching programming tonight, and we played some games for a bit.  Madison was talking with friends, and she did some piano as well.

The school had something online to listen to, fielding questions about what it will be like returning to school.  It's insane to imagine this a year ago, all these questions about how things are graded, and how to wear a mask, and all the details of getting back into the school year while trying not to spread any virus.  It's going to be super interesting to see how it actually unfolds.  Madison is really wanting to go back to school, but the current hang-up is the mask.  At first, we thought she'd have to keep this thing on for eight hours straight, but now it appears that it is to be worn only in certain situations.  That's a judgment call there, and of course there'll be all kinds of peer pressure from teachers to keep the mask on.  But the contrary thing is that you can't keep a mask on perpetually like that for hours on end.  You have to come up for air from time to time.  This is the discussion right now, actually just one discussion.  There are many, but regardless, school is scheduled for a few weeks from now, a place Madison hasn't been to since the middle of March.

We read from "Truckers" tonight, and of course we prayed.  With a little extra medication for Mommy and I, we were asleep pretty quickly tonight.  Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

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